
Blood pressure transducers can be found in many forms.One of the most popular and common forms is a cuff that is worn on or aroundthe arm. This device is connected to a bag that has an indicator on it or asensor to gauge the pressure. There are many different sizes and types of thesetransducers, as well as other medical devices, available to the public.
Another reason that this type of device may be used is if the medicalpersonnel need to monitor a patient while away from the scene. If a person isunconscious and not responding to normal stimuli, a trained individual canmanually operate the cuff to determine the patient's blood oxygenation at anygiven time. The same technology can be used if a trained individual needs tomonitor a critically injured patient. This device is also handy for helpingmedical personnel keep a patient comfortable during surgery. This is importantas surgery can be painful for a long time if the patient is uncomfortable.
The second common piece of equipment is the disposable blood pressuretransducer. Although these devices are not as common as the cuff, they havefound their way into the home healthcare market. Basically, the bloodpressure transducers are attached to the patient, usually in the armsor legs, and they can detect any abnormalities in the blood flow. Theinformation from the transducers is fed to a computer system, and it is thendisplayed digitally on a monitor.
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