
Themanual stair climbing wheelchair marketplace is anticipated to see continuedhigh growth because of the increasing older adult population and rising lowerlimb amputation numbers due to different diseases like osteoarthritis,diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions. More people are starting to utilizethe wheelchair to commute to work or school and also to help them get in and outof the house on a regular basis. A manual wheelchair can be manually operatedwith one or two hands and the chair may be propelled forward or back by thepushing of a button on the remote control. Stair climber use requires climbingstairs using both hands and feet.
Manual stairclimbing wheelchair are basically achair with a curved shape that is slightly wider at the back than it is at the frontand features two large wheels (one in the front and one on the back) that allowfor easier travel up and down the stairs. Many manual wheelchairs have abuilt-in pulley system for the feet to push themselves up and down the stairs.Others, especially the more expensive types, include a hand crank at the bottomof the steps. There are manual stair climbers with battery-powered motors insome cases. Other manual stair climbers are motorized using pneumatic orhydraulic power, and still, others are strictly manual.
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