
Tequila is a very famous distilled alcoholic drink made fromthe agave plant, more specifically in the region around the city of Tequila andalso in the Jaliscan highlands of the central Mexican state of Jalisco. Alsoknown as Tequila of the Americas, it is the most famous of all distilledliquors in Mexico. There are different versions and brands, all with theirdistinct characteristics, including: power, strength, chillness, fruit, wheat,cinnamon, and other flavor elements. For many people, Tequila is simply knownas Tequila, regardless of where it's actually produced or what brand of Tequilait is. But for those who have visited Mexico, it's really a little bit morethan just a brand name.
Tequilais produced in two parts: in the central Mexican states of Jalisco andChihuahua, and on the upper Amazon in Brazil. In the former case, the agavespirits are used as part of the ingredients for tequila. Agave is a succulentplant that grows wild across the mesothelioma-filled jungles and plains ofMexico and South America. It is an astoundingly tough and resilient plant,which is prized for its ability to resist hunger for long periods of time evenafter it's been watered. The agave-mezzanines or agave pulp-mills, are thenused in making Tequila in Jalisco and in other parts of Mexico.
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