Smart Recovery Coach London
Smart Recovery Coach London
Welcome to My Recovery International Professional Addiction Recovery Coaching, we provide Professional Addiction Recovery Coaching services in London.

Smart Recovery Coach London


Andy Mitchell MSc, BA,

CPD Dip Addiction Therapist,

SMART Recovery Facilitator

My name is Andy Mitchell, a Professional Addiction RecoveryCoach. I specialise in helping individuals, help themselves within theirRecovery Journey.

I have many years of lived experience of my own recovery andhave helped many with theirs.

Alongside my lived experience, I have extensive professionaltraining within the field of Addiction.


 Specialising inTechniques of

 Cognitive BehaviouralTherapy (CBT) &

 Rational EmotiveBehavior Therapy     (REBT)

 I can help you withyour Recovery Journey, collaboratively and positively.

From Darkness to Light: The Hope of Transformation | TheWord Among Us

What is Recovery?

Recovery is a period of change. It is not the destination initself but a process. Each individuals recovery is unique.

It comes from an awareness that living with addiction is nolonger a place one wants to be.

Recovery is an active process of empowering one’s self, tothrive and live life to the full.

What is Recovery Coaching?

Recovery Coaching is a confidential, collaborative andprofessional relationship in which your recovery takes centre stage. We willwork on your goals and what is important to you, for your life. It’s anopportunity for us to build a positive recovery relationship, based on trust.Together, we can develop your strategies, life skills and strengthen yourresilience, so you can embrace the challenges and opportunities that life hasto offer. My Recovery is an International Professional Addiction RecoveryCoaching Service.

A Recovery Coach is there for you, whatever stage you are atwithin your journey.  Are youcontemplating stopping your addictive behaviour and need advice and support inthe early stages? Are you feeling somewhat lost within your current stage ofrecovery?  Are you in long term recoveryand feel the need to introduce some positive recovery energy? Then RecoveryCoaching is an empowering resource that could be perfect for you.

Areas we might cover

Your Recovery Motivation.

Relapse Prevention.


Identifying your triggers and coping skills.

Building your resilience and navigating challenges.

Managing your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Expanding your support network.

Developing your self-worth and a positive identity.

Challenging self-stigmatisation.

Planing and achieving goals to lead a balanced life.


My Background and Training

I have an international background, British/Singaporean andGerman. I spend time between both the UK and Germany (ich spreche Deutsch).


I have been working for a Homeless Persons Charity for over10 years as a therapist, helping people with their Mental Health and AddictionRecovery. I volunteer for SMART Recovery, facilitating online global Meetings.


I have an MSc in the field of Occupational Therapy,specialising in Addiction Recovery.

I have continued to develop my skills as a Recovery Coachthrough Continual Professional Development, including a Diploma in AddictionTherapy. 


Currently, I am doing a Doctoral Research Project (PhD) inthe fields of Addiction, Occupational Therapy and Psychology.

I am a member of: SSA