
ScottishWhisky is malt whiskey or grain whiskey, produced in Scotland. It has also beencalled "Glacier" for a very long time. The distilling process usedfor making Scottish Whisky is often referred to as "gin" for short.Distilling Scotch is different from other types of liquors because it undergoesa longer distillation process than most others.
Thehistory can be traced back to the 18th century. It was first distilled in theFort William distilleries. The distilleries were built to create a spirit thatwould be ideal for the new "Glen" Scottishwhisky. The name "Glen" was based on a place (glen means bigor large) near the town of Glenbow Museum. This museum is located on the GlenHouson estate, which is one of the most famous and beautiful places in thewhole of Scotland.
Thedistilleries were run by a single person at the time of their establishment,Johnnie Macpherson. He started the business in his home with an old oak barrel.Later on, he moved it to a bigger distillery called Talisker. When the demandfor Scotch increased, Macpherson turned his attention to distilling a differenttype of Scotch whiskey, namely the "talisker".
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