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Precautions To Be Taken During Pregnancy | Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist Thane West
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in a woman’s life. The thought of a humangrowing inside of you can get a little overwhelming at times. As exciting as itsounds, pregnancy includes morning sickness and a lot of precautions. From thefood you eat to the daily routine, everything can have an impact on the fetus.
Theladies go through multiple changes during the pregnancy phase. Being healthyboth physically and mentally is extremely important for pregnant women.Surprisingly, your pregnancy routine doesn’t need to be different from theregular routine. As long as you eat healthy food and focus on your mentalhealth, rest assured you will have a healthy pregnancy.
TheGynecologistin Hiranandani hospital Thane will develop a proper precaution list for f 1st,2nd, and 3rd trimesters. They will tell you the dos anddon’ts during different phases of pregnancy. Here, we have mentioned a fewprecautions every pregnant woman must consider.
Rest and Relax
Thefirst semester is the most challenging phase of your pregnancy. It is commonfor women to feel nauseated, sluggish, and tired all the time. Morning sicknessis absolutely normal. Your body needs plenty of rest during this time.
Avoidall forms of weightlifting and other exercises that can put pressure on yourlower belly. Include a lot of healthy fruits, veggies, protein, and fiber inyour diet. Your physician might recommend folic acid or vitamin supplements inthe early stages of your pregnancy. Make sure you stay hydrated.
Somewomen experience mood swings from the body changes, but it is normal. Discussyour mental and physical health with the Gynaec in Bhiwandi. Try to get as much rest as possible.
PCOS and Pregnancy
Itis hard for women suffering from PCOS to conceive. Even if you get pregnant,chances are you are going to have complications in your pregnancy. Studiessuggest that women with this health condition are more likely to miscarry thannormal women.
Youcan visit a PCOSspecialist in Thanefor regular check-ups. Based on your child’s gestational age, the gynecologistwill discuss the risk and complications with you. Many women do not discoverthis condition until they try to get pregnant.
Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine
Ectopicpregnancy and premature labor are quite common among women who smoke and drinkalcohol. An unhealthy lifestyle can affect the growth of the fetus. Never drinkalcohol in the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. There is a high chance it canlead to miscarriage. You should try to avoid alcohol until you deliver thebaby. Similarly, excessive caffeine makes you sick. Of course, you don’t haveto give up caffeine completely, but try to limit the amount.
Nurvi Naari Gynaec clinic Thane offers laparoscopic treatments forinfertility. These tools are used to diagnose the main cause of infertility.You can get the laparoscopicsurgeries treatment Thane from a specialist. If the doctor suspects ectopic pregnancy andpelvic inflammatory disease, they may recommend laparoscopic surgery to detectthe cause of the issue.
Dr.Sujata Rathod is the fertility specialists, best Gynecologist &Obstetrician in Thane city. Patients come from Bhiwandi to Thane station.
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