Personalized Pet Canvas Art
Personalized Pet Canvas Art
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Personalized Pet Canvas Art

FoodsThat Will Harm Your Dog


You know that chocolate is poison to dogs. Anyone whodoesn’t know that clearly has been living under a rock. But did you know thatgrapes are also harmful to your beloved doggo? The list of human foods that aredangerous to your pet is longer than you may have anticipated. Here are humanfoods that your dog can’t have.



If your dog is resting his chin on your knee, pitifullywatching you eat your guac and chips on the couch, don’t fall for those puppyeyes. Avocado is harmful to your dog because of persin. Persin, in largeamounts, can cause your dog to vomit or have diarrhea.


Onions and Garlic

We humans enjoy onions and garlic in our dishes (on pizza,in fried rice, on bread), but our quadruped friends don’t have the stomach totolerate onions and garlic. No matter if powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated,keep onions and garlic away from dogs because they can kill blood cells andpossibly cause anemia.



While most of us live off of caffeine, our pets can’t haveany type of caffeine, whether that’s coffee or tea. So, keep your dogs awayfrom cocoa, chocolate, colas, and energy drinks.


Fruit is healthy, so my dog can have that, right? Wrong.Certain fruits such as grapes, raisins, persimmons, peaches, and plums areharmful to your pet. Grapes and raisins, for example, can cause kidney failureand vomiting. While the seed of persimmons can block the small intestine,peaches and plums contain cyanide, which is poisonous.



Cheeses, ice cream, milk, and other dairy products we enjoymust not get into the stomachs of our beloved doggos. Any milk or milk-basedproducts can cause digestive problems, like diarrhea.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as muscleshakes, vomiting, high temperature, and weakness in the back legs. So the nexttime you buy those macadamia cookies, make sure your dog doesn’t get into thebag.


In cartoons, dogs and bones are always portrayed as theobvious and perfect combination. Unfortunately, bones can choke your dog andeven cut his digestive system when they splinter into sharp ends.

Raw Poultry

The media often portrays dogs as raw meat eaters. Cartoonsportray bulldogs as lovers of steak, and even Instagram videos show ownersfeeding raw beef to their pitbulls. As it turns out, raw poultry—eggs, meat,and fish—can have bacteria that causes food poisoning. Even scarier, certainfish, like salmon, trout, shad, and sturgeon, can have parasites that causediseases. Fully cook meat before serving them to your dog.


If sweets are harmful to humans, you can only image howharmful they are to your little doggo friend. Too much sugar can do the samething to dogs. It can make your dog overweight or, worse, obese. It can alsocause teeth problems, like cavities. Worst of all, it can give your dogdiabetes.


Don’t give your chips to your dog no matter how hard he begsfor it. Chips, and even pretzels, contain too much salt for your pet to handle.Not only will it make them extremely thirsty, too much of it will also causevomiting, diarrhea, and high temperatures.

You love your pet, and as much as you want to spoil him,it’s important that you say no to certain requests. Say no to your dog beggingfor cake. Say no to your dog begging for steak. It’s tough love, but it’s lovethat will save them a trip to the vet