
Patientthroughput and capacity management allows for the efficient flow of patientsthrough the hospital, ensuring timely and appropriate level of care.Overcapacity occurs when too many patients are admitted in a short period oftime or too many patients are discharged from the hospital in a short period oftime. Both of these situations lead to increased demand on resources, whichleads to overcapacities and reduced patient throughput.
Patientthroughput and capacity management helps address such issues that affectpatient satisfaction and helps reduce the amount of time patients spend in thehospital, which directly impacts the quality of care received by patients.Achieving high patient satisfaction levels requires an integrated strategyacross many aspects of the hospital environment. These include staffmanagement, hospital environment design and environmental improvements.
Atboth the clinical and administrative level, there are issues that need to beaddressed to achieve effective patient care outcomes and maintain excellentpatient satisfaction. These issues typically relate to an underutilization ofresources, particularly at the front line management level. There is a lack ofstaff time to properly assess the status of patients and the associated risksand to formulate appropriate discharge plans. Patientthroughput and capacity managementhelps to improve these aspects of care through improved staffing, moreefficient administration and better environmental services.
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