Osteogenesis Imperfecta treatment aims to prevent deformities and fractures
Osteogenesis Imperfecta treatment aims to prevent deformities and fractures
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a common genetic or hereditary disorder where healthy bone bones rarely break or fracture easily, generally with no apparent injury or cause.

So far, there is no known osteogenesis imperfecta treatment,medicine, or surgery that will cure the condition. The goal of the osteogenesisimperfecta treatment is to prevent deformities and fractures and toallow an individual to function as individualistically as possible.Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a group of inherited disorders characterized byfragile bones that break easily. The condition can be mild, with only a fewfractures, or severe, with hundreds of fractures during an individual'slifetime. It is a genetic disorder that prevents the body from building strongbones, which is why it is commonly known as brittle bone disorder.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a common genetic or hereditarydisorder where healthy bone bones rarely break or fracture easily, generallywith no apparent injury or cause. OI also sometimes referred to as brittle bonedisorder, and the most common symptoms can range from mildly painful with a fewisolated breaks to severely painful with multiple fractures. The conditionusually affects children but some adults may also develop the condition.However, it is most common in men. The onset of the disease is unknown but ismost common during childhood or adolescence.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is thought to be caused by severalfactors. One factor that has been suspected is abnormal genes. However, it isnot known how these genes affect the development of bones. Other studies havesuggested that there is an excess amount of circulating collagen inosteogenesis imperfecta cases. Collagen is known to stimulate bone growth butin this case it stimulates bone growth on the underside of the bone causing acrack in the surface of the bone. OI is usually diagnosed based on symptomsalone. If there are several of these symptoms present, then an x-ray of thespine may be required to determine the exact diagnosis. 

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