Orthotic Devices are shoe inserts that help support and improve the posture of the feet
Orthotic Devices are shoe inserts that help support and improve the posture of the feet
Orthotic devices, also known as orthoses, are braces used to support weakened muscles while walking. These devices correct an abnormal, or irregular, walking pattern.

Orthotic devices, also known as orthoses, are braces used tosupport weakened muscles while walking. These devices correct an abnormal, orirregular, walking pattern. Orthotic devices allow people to run, walk, andstand more efficiently and comfortably. For instance, ankle braces allow peopleto stand straight. Heel casts, spinal orthotics, arm braces, and wrist bracesare some of the common orthotic devices available in the market. Orthoticdevices are used to support, mobilize, and modify structure of skeletal andneuromuscular system. Moreover, such devices help improve independence byenhancing the mobility of the patient. Spinal orthotic device, fractureorthotic device, ankle foot orthotic device, ankle orthotic device, and footorthotic device are the most commonly prescribed orthotic devices.

One of the most popular forms of orthoses (orthotic devices)is the shoe orthosis. This form of orthosis usually comes as a set of orthoses.There are some people who can only wear certain brands of shoes because theirfeet are too big or small to fit in them. Orthoses for special use shoes comein many varieties these days. Some of them are made to be used for sports. Orthotic devices for sports peopleare usually light weight and do not put much strain on the feet. Many timespeople with arthritis also have to use orthoses for this reason. The orthosesfor arthritis usually include strong support girdles to hold the arthritic footin place. These arthritic feet also need to have special orthosis inserts tokeep them in place. 

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