
The Global OrthopedicTrauma Devices Market, by Fixator Type (Internal Fixator [Screws, Plates,Nails, and Others], External fixator), by Material (Non-absorbable [Titanium,Stainless steel, and Other] and Bio-absorbable), by End User (Hospitals,Orthopedic Clinic, and Ambulatory Surgical Centers), and by Region (NorthAmerica, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) wasvalued at US$ 4,915 million in 2016 and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.3%over the forecast period (2017 – 2025).
The orthopedic trauma devicesmarket is expected to gain significant traction with rising incidence offractures due to road accidents, falls, and old age. Furthermore, increasingnumber of people suffering from osteoarthritis is expected to be another factorfor growth of the market. For instance, by 2040, the number of adults in theU.S., with doctor-diagnosed arthritis is projected to be 78.4 million,according to International Osteoporosis Foundation statistics, and around 1.6million hip fractures occur worldwide each year.
This number could reach 4.5million by 2050. Therefore, there is increasing demand for plates, screws,nails, and other implants such as staples and bridge for treatment offractures. Emerging economies such as China and India are characterized by highprevalence of falls and road injuries. According to World Health Organizationfactsheet in 2018, 80% of worldwide fatal falls are reported from low andmiddle income countries. Asia Pacific region faces one of highest incidence offalls worldwide according to World Health Organization’s 2018 factsheet. Thisis another factor aiding in growth of the market.
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New product launches,collaboration, and mergers by key players is expected to drive growth of theorthopedic trauma devices market
Key players are launching new andinnovative products in screws, plating systems, and other orthopedic traumadevices, in order to cater to increasing demand by end users, thereby expandingtheir market share. For instance, in 2017, DePuy Synthes received 510(k)clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the VIPER andEXPEDIUM Fenestrated Screw Systems. This system provide stabilization andpalliative treatment for patients suffering from spinal cord compression, due toadvanced stage tumors.
In 2015, DePuy Synthes launchedtwo new variable angle plating systems featuring its proprietary variable anglelocking technology. DePuy Synthes also launched an external circular fixationdevice named MAXFRAME Multi-Axial Correction System, in 2017, which can be usedto correct bone or soft tissue deformities in the arm, leg, foot or ankle. In2016, Zimmer Biomet received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration for the Unite3D Bridge Fixation System. In 2017, company (ZimmerBiomet) showcased its innovative products in trauma segment such as A.L.P.S.Proximal Humerus Plating System, N-Force Fixation System. In 2015, Smith &Nephew launched its TRIGEN META-TAN (Trochanteric Antegrade Nail) System at theOrthopedic Trauma Association’s (OTA) annual meeting in San Diego, U.S.
Browse 65 Market Data Tables and40 Figures spread through 180 Pages and in-depth TOC on “Orthopedic TraumaDevices Market- by Fixator Type (Internal Fixator [Screws, Plates, Nails, andOthers], External fixator), by Material (Non-absorbable [Titanium, Stainlesssteel stand, and Other] and Bio-absorbable), by End User (Hospitals, OrthopedicClinic, and Ambulatory Surgical Centers), and by Region (North America, LatinAmerica, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa) - Global Forecast to2025”
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Companies are focusing oncollaborative agreements, in order to expand their presence in emergingmarkets. For instance, in 2016, Stryker Corporation entered into collaborationwith Indo UK Institute of Health's (IUIH) Medicity Program, to serve as apreferred partner in the orthopedic areas of hip, knee, and trauma products andservices in India. Smith and Nephew launched Atlas Hip Fracture Nail inemerging markets such as South Africa and India, in 2017, to expand presence inthese regions. Companies are also focusing on strategic mergers andacquisitions, in order to expand its footprint in the orthopedic trauma devicesmarket.
For instance, in 2015, Smith& Nephew plc acquired the trauma and orthopedics business of DeOst LLC andDC LLC, which is a manufacturing company in DeOst group from Russia. DeOstdistributed Smith & Nephew’s products in Russia. In 2013, Smith &Nephew bought Adler Mediequip Private Limited, which was a mid-tier traumabusiness in India, and also acquired a direct presence in Turkey through buyingassets related to the distribution of its orthopedic reconstruction, trauma,and sports medicine products in Turkey. In March, 2016 Zimmer Biomet enteredinto an exclusive global distribution agreement with CelgenTek InnovationsCorporation, for its N-Force Fixation System and iN3 Cement.
Key Takeaways of the OrthopedicTrauma Devices Market:
The global orthopedic traumadevices market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.3 % over the forecast period,owing to growth in injuries from trauma associated incidences and risingpopulation suffering from bone degenerative diseases.
Among fixator types, internalfixator segment, which includes the screws, nails, plates, and specializedimplants is expected to be the dominant in the market, due to increasing demandof these devices in trauma incidence as trauma is often characterized by bonefracture. Among material types, metallic devices segment is expected to accountfor larger share, due to the easy availability and low cost. However,bio-absorbable is slowly gaining traction in the market. Amongst end users,hospital segment is expected to be the largest segment, in terms of revenueshare, to large number of orthopedic trauma patients admitted in hospitals ascompared to ambulatory surgical centers and orthopedic clinics. According tostudy published in journal Injury in 2016 there were 20,659,684 traumaticinjury discharges from US hospitals between 2000 and 2011.
North America is expected to bethe dominant market for orthopedic trauma devices, due to high incidence ofsport related injuries, high probability of fracture in population aged over50, and rising geriatric population(47.8 million in 2015).
Some of the major playersoperating in orthopedic trauma devices market are DePuy Synthes (a Johnson& Johnson Company) Stryker Corporation, Zimmer Holding Inc., Smith &Nephew plc, and Biomet, Inc. Other prominent players are Braun Melsungen AG,Arthrax, Inc., Medtronic Inc., Integra LifeSciences Corporation, OrthofixInternational, NuVasive, and Conmed Corporation
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