
When roads or flyovers or expressways are constructed the concerned authority, which is mostly the government, pays for its construction and then the public which uses it then pays a sort of tax for it. This tax or fees of sort is called toll tax which the public who travels from one city to another pays to the road management authorities.
For instance, the Yamuna expressway connecting Delhi and Agra was constructed and managed by the Taj Expressway Authority (TEA). It is a statutory body authorised by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the toll managementsystem and toll collection for the Yamuna Expressway.
toll tax being collected from the commuters from one road is used in
construction and development of other roads and infrastructure.
Infrastructure, Economy, Law & Order and Heritage are the four
pillars of development and growth of a country. Toll
management systems
as tax not only contribute to both the economy and infrastructure of
the country but promulgate a sense of discipline towards the law and
order because there is no way to get out of paying the toll tax.
Management System composes
of 3 services/operations- Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC),
Electronic Surveillance, and Parking Management Software
Toll Collection System uses toll
management software
to electronically or online collect the toll tax from the people
passing through the toll booths. This prevents long lines and heavy
traffic at the toll booths on busy days. It really saves a lot of
time for the commuters and extra efforts of the staff working at the
toll booths.
Surveillance is put in place to secure the toll plazas. Some
equipment like CCTV cameras, exit doors controlled via
toll management software
and video are accessed to the senior staff. This provides safety to
both the staff and the commuters from unwanted elements on the road.
Many people try to create a ruckus in toll plazas to get out of
paying the toll tax.
Hence, undoubtedly the system has not failed and will definitely be developed further.
management software
also called Toll Plaza Software is a multi-dimensional and
multipurpose interface used for toll management systems in all of its
aspects. From parking management to toll collection electronically
and integration of security management in world for everything!
Greentech Its is an accomplished player in providing services in Indian traffic infrastructure. It can also be called as toll management company As it creates toll management system and toll management software.
GreentechITS is an accomplished player in providing services in Indian traffic infrastructure. It can also be called as toll Management Company As it creates toll management system and total toll management software.
GreentechITS is an accomplished player in providing services in Indian traffic infrastructure. It can also be called as toll Management Company As it creates video based vehicle tracking and Classification System.
GreentechITS is an accomplished player in providing services in Indian traffic infrastructure. It can also be called as toll Management Company As it creates Electronic Toll Collection and smartway.
GreentechITS is an accomplished player in providing services in Indian traffic infrastructure. It can also be called as toll Management Company As it creates Highway Traffic Management System.
GreentechITS is an accomplished player in providing services in Indian traffic infrastructure. It can also be called as toll Management Company As it creates Weigh in Motion System and safeweigh.
Benefits of Using the Electronic Toll Collection