
Theever-increasing number of medical cyclotron models installed at hospitalsworldwide has provided a strong impetus to the generation of new and advancedradionuclides for medical uses. In particular, the main benefit of using it totreat cancer is the ability to create on-demand, when necessary (on-demand)with various medical radionuclides of interest thereby encouraging theinnovative personalized medicine approach. The ability to combine variousapproaches in cancer treatments provides a unique advantage of these systemsfor treatment in oncology, chemotherapy, and even other areas of medicine.Therefore Medical cyclotron is being used today for the treatment of cancers,bone fractures, heart diseases, neurological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis,bone injuries, brain tumor, and many other diseases.
Thesecyclotrons are generally manufactured in two versions i.e. single and multiplechannel model. Since single-channel medicalcyclotron contains one input electrode whereas multiple channel cyclotronis a combination of two input channels with each input having a rotor that isconnected to a source of non-energetic neutrons.
Thesecyclotron system provides high energy density and long cycle time to facilitatevarious experimental procedures. Cyclotron generators are generally adapted forproviding electrical energy via a magnetic field. The advantage of healthcareCyclotrons over other forms of the generator is that cyclotron is capable ofoperating at high voltage and is suitable for use in various applications.Cyclotron generators can be easily maintained and provide a safe environmentaround by applying standard safety protocols and measures.
Thesecond advantage of this system is that it is a user-friendly device withminimal setup time and easy installation. It provides stable and consistentbeam performance with excellent output power and excellent system integrationand control. A variety of cyclotron sources including Electron Pulse-OrientTorque (EPOT), Pulse-Create Energy (PCOE), and Neutron Beam Cleaner (NEB) areused to generate the required electric current. The generator gives excellentoutput performance in various research and quality applications where highinput voltage and high output power are required.