
Imaginea world without Handy. You’ve put in a 12 hour day at the office, your train is30 minutes late, and by the time you finally walk into your apartment, thereare dirty dishes stacked high in the sink, dirty clothes are strewn everywhere,your bed is unmade, the shower is starting to smell a bit like mildew, and thefloors are covered with mud. A professionalmaid service probablysounds pretty good right about now, doesn't it? The last thing in the world youwant to do is pull on your yellow rubber gloves and begin scrubbing the floorsand vacuuming the carpets. With Handy, you don’t have to.
There is no feeling quite like coming home from work and walking into abeautiful, fresh-smelling, clean home. Rather than clean the toilet, dust theshelves, and wipe down the countertops, you can instead unwind on the couch,curled up under a blanket, maybe pour yourself that glass of wine you’ve beenthinking about, and start that new TV show everyone’s been talking about. Avisit from a housekeeping service is one of thebest gifts you can give yourself. Book a home cleaning with Handy today.