
Influenzatherapeutics are administered to patients going through this condition.Influenza can be considered one of the most dreaded diseases for medicalprofessionals. The reason behind this is that it can limit the sufferer'sactivities and thereby his ability to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Whensuch a person falls ill with the disease, he tends to stay in bed awaiting thearrival of the end of the world. This can be considered as the worst possiblesituation that a person can face.
Toarrest and minimize the progression of the disease, doctors recommend a varietyof influenza therapeutics depending on the severity of the condition. Most ofthese medications aim at enhancing the body's immune system to fight off theinvading virus. Acyclovir is a type ofantiviral medication that is prescribed to fight viruses like the swine flu,herpes, hepatitis C, and HIV. It is known to suppress the body's immune systemand prevent the spread of viruses within the body. The drug is usually taken inpill form. However, there are also suppressive applications that are appliedtopically to the skin. The oral administration of Acyclovir requires that theperson consumes an adequate amount of fluids and is used for influenzatherapeutics.
Influenzaviruses are becoming more resistant to the types of antiviral medications thathave been used to combat their growth. Although these influenza therapeuticscan work to keep the viral infection from invading the body, eventually thedrugs become less effective and may not be able to prevent the return of theinfection.
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