Infectious Disease Therapeutics Market Size, Trends, Shares, Insights and Forecast – 2018-2026
Infectious Disease Therapeutics Market Size, Trends, Shares, Insights and Forecast – 2018-2026
Infectious Disease Therapeutics Market Report- 2020 Analyses competitive environment such as key players, future trends, growths, challenges and acquisitions in the market.

Infectious Disease TherapeuticsMarket - Regional Analysis

On the basis of region, global InfectiousDisease Therapeutics Market is segmented into North America, Latin America,Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific, and Africa. North America holds dominantposition in infectious disease therapeutics market, followed by Europe. NorthAmerica drive the infectious disease therapeutics market, owing to increasingresearch and development studies by various government and pharmaceuticalorganizations about infectious diseases and its diagnosis. Furthermore, highprevalence and awareness of infectious diseases among people, in turn opting forearly detection, is expected to drive growth of infectious disease therapeuticsmarket in this region. For instance, according to the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. reported around 26,203 cases of Lymedisease between 2006 and 2016. According to the same source, around 10,265deaths were reported due to alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2015, whichaccounted for around 29% of all traffic-related deaths in the U.S.

Asia Pacific is expected towitness fastest growth over the forecast period. Rising demand for efficientand quick diagnostic testing, increasing number of strategies adopted by marketplayers to expand their geographical reach in this region, and engagement ofgovernment organizations in minimizing the disease burden are factors that areexpected to drive market growth in Asia Pacific region. For instance, in March2013, Qiagen N.V. launched its careHPV test in China. CareHPV is a moleculardiagnostic test designed to screen for high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) atlow-resource settings such as areas lacking electricity, water or laboratories.Qiagen also gained the approval from China's State Food and Drug Administration(SFDA) for the careHPV in 2012. Moreover, in March 2018, Government of Indialaunched the TB Free India Campaign with an aim to completely eliminatetuberculosis (TB) by 2025.

Infectious disease is one of theleading cause of significant burden in healthcare industry globally. Thesedisease can also be termed as transmissible disease or communicable disease iscaused by various infectious agents including virus, viroids, bacteria,nematodes such as parasitic roundworms and pinworms, arthropods such as ticks,mites, fleas, and lice, fungi such as ringworm, and other macroparasites suchas tapeworms and other helminths. Introduction of various technologicallyadvanced diagnosis and treatment option and improvements in hygiene,vaccination, and antimicrobial therapy have decreased the number of deathscaused from infectious diseases. However, emergence and re-emergence ofinfectious diseases substantially affect the health outcomes of globalpopulation.

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Global Infectious DiseaseTherapeutics Market Drivers

Infectious disease therapeuticsmarket is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period,owing to increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, increasing awarenessregarding the early diagnosis of infectious diseases, and increasing researchfunding activities by various private and government organizations. Forinstance, according to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2015 datafindings, 16.8 million visits to physician offices for infectious and parasiticdiseases were registered in the U.S. According to the same source, sinceSeptember 2012, it has been notified that around 2,143 laboratory-confirmed casesof infection with MERS-CoV.

The World Health Organization(WHO) also added that GISRS (Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System)laboratories, from April 2, 2018 to April 15, 2018, tested over 137,071 specimensfrom various National Influenza centers (NIC) and other national influenzalaboratories of 113 countries. Among these collected specimens, around 21,639were positive for influenza viruses, wherein 12,034 (55.6%) were classified asinfluenza A and 9,605 (44.4%) as influenza B. According to the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 5,251 deaths due to influenzainfection were registered in the U.S. in 2015. According to the World HealthOrganization (WHO), in 2015, around 32,000 estimated deaths from tuberculosisand around 3, 23,000 new cases of TB cases were registered in Europe. Accordingto the data published in European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control(ECDC), in February 2018, around 44,000 people die annually from respiratorydiseases associated with seasonal influenza in Europe, out of a total of around6,50,000 global deaths annually. 

Moreover, increasing advancementsin rapid diagnosis of various infectious diseases allowing early and quickerdiagnosis is greatly impacting the medical outcome of disease treatment.Advanced technologies such as lateral flow, agglutination assays, and solidphase that are used in rapid diagnostics of infectious diseases are integratedwith innovative features such as portability of handheld devices, offeringpoint-of-care treatment to the patients. Moreover, advancements in thetechnology of point-of care diagnostics is expected to drive growth ofinfectious disease therapeutic market over the forecast period. For instance,in 2014, Becton, Dickinson, and Company offered point-of-care system BDFACSPresto for HIV/AIDS. It offers percentage results of CD4 T lymphocytes andhemoglobin concentration. Moreover, in January 2017, Infectious DiseaseResearch Institute (IDRI) developed a fusion antigen, which is used as a partof diagnostic test manufactured by InBios International, Inc. for Chagasdisease.

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Moreover, research funding isprovided by various government and private organizations for infectiousdiseases to provide effective diagnostic and treatment options. For instance,in November 2016, QuantuMDx Group received funding from Bill & MelindaGates Foundation to develop and test company’s CAPTURE-XT pathogenconcentration technology and Q-POC molecular diagnostic platform for rapid lowcost detection of tuberculosis. In January 2018, University of Glasgow-ledproject received US$ 1.85 million funding, which is a part of Global ChallengesResearch Fund (GCRF). This project will develop new tests for parasiticdiseases and rapid testing in remote locations to help enable rapid diagnosisand rapid treatment of infectious diseases.

Global Infectious DiseaseTherapeutics Market Restraint

Lack of awareness abouttreatments for disorders, low adoption of treatments, and lack of reimbursementfor certain infectious diseases in selected countries are factors that areexpected to restrain growth of infectious disease therapeutics market over theforecast period. Moreover, Africa and Asia have high incidence of infectiousdisorders and low penetration rate of treatments for the same. For instance,according to AVERT, a global HIV and AIDS charity organization based in U.K.,in 2015, 6.5 million individuals were infected with Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus (HIV) in the West and Central African region and around 28% of the HIVinfected people were accessing antiretroviral therapy. Furthermore, increasingavailability of counterfeit drugs in Asian countries is expected to posesignificant threat to the market during the forecast period.   

Infectious Disease TherapeuticsMarket – Competitive Landscape

Key players operating in theinfectious disease therapeutics market include Gilead Sciences, Inc.,GlaxoSmithKline plc, Janssen Pharmaceutical, BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc., F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Merck & Co., Inc., andNovartis International AG. Key players are developing new products for thetreatment of infectious diseases and are also receiving approvals tocommercialize their products. For instance, in May 2017, Merck received FDAapproval for its ISENTRESS HD, a new 1200 mg integrase inhibitor for HIV-1infected patients. This drug can also be used in combination therapy with otherantiretroviral.

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