
Aurogra 200mg
Aurogra is the brand name for the drug sildenafil which istaken to deal with the problem of erectile dysfunction in our body temporarily. The use of the drug is quite common as the number of people affected byerectile dysfunction is increasing day by day. The medicine primarily works byincreasing affecting the blood flow although not directly but inhibiting aparticular natural substance in our body. Here we will be discussing variousaspects related to the medication Aurogra like working, slide effects and dosage,and other basic information related to the sildenafil which you need to knowbefore you order Aurogra online.
Erectiledysfunction can be defined as the condition in which a person is unableto maintain or achieve a penile erection hence leading to an unsatisfactorysexual act. The problem is a major concern as it can affect the person’s mentalhealth although it can be stated that the reason for erectile dysfunction canbe related to the mental health of the person also. From various data availablefrom open sources erectile dysfunction affects around 5-10% of people in theage group of 20-29 and around 60-70% of people in the age group of 40-60.
Aurogra 200mg:Working Mechanism of Sildenafil
Sildenafil, the active ingredient of Aurogra has a molecularstructure similar to a particular enzyme found in our body and thus protectingthe degradation of the enzyme and thus prevents the contraction of vascularsmooth muscles hence increasing the blood flow. The relaxation of the smoothmuscle occurs in different parts of our body which includes the corpuscavernosum (erectile tissue in the penis) which leads to penile erection.
How muchAurogra can be taken for erectile dysfunction
From various studies, it can be concluded that the ideal dose of Aurogra can be between 100-200mg.Thus 200mg variant is one of the common variants of the medicine in the market.The medicine can be taken once a day only. No prescription is required when youorder Aurogra online or purchasefrom any drugstore. Once taken the medicine start to show its effect within 30minutes and the efficacy of the medicine can last up to 4-6 hours.
Otherthings to keep in mind before you Order Aurogra 200mg online
Every medicine with its application has various downfall inthe form of side effects, interaction, and precautions. In the case of Aurogra,it is a side effect and precaution to be known before a person buys Aurograonline. Side effects have a low incidence which increases only if the persontakes more than recommended dose although the increase in dose has no effectson the efficacy of the medicine. Various common side effects caused by Aurograare listed below:
· Headaches
· Back pain
· Flushing
· Dyspepsia
· Nasal congestion
· Nausea
· Dizziness
· Rash
The above mentioned are the common side effects with low incidence (2%). Incase the symptoms long sustain, patients may consult a doctor. Aurogra shouldbe taken with caution or monitored in patients with blood pressure problems.
Where can IBuy Aurgra 200mg online?
Aurograis a common medication that is available at each and every drug shop online ornearby. One can easily purchase Aurogra online without any requirement of aprescription. You can choose to buyAurogra online from any of the online or you can consider purchasing itfrom our store which sells cheap and genuine Aurogra 200mg tablets.From our store, you can also order Aurogra 200mg COD where you need to pay onlyafter you receive the medication at your doorsteps. This can be considered asign of authenticity and an option for people who wants to avoid advancepayment or share their card details.