
HeatSeal Coatings are thermoplastic adhesives that are employed to close onesubstrate to another at the solid-state level. Heat Seal Coatings produce afull range of solvent and water-based heat sealants for use in a variety ofrigid product applications, including lapping for automotive fluids and curingoils. Heat sealants are generally applied as powders or as liquids and curedthrough heating. They can be pressure applied or drum loaded into thesubstrate. Heat sealants provide a strong, non-corrosive barrier that preventsbonding of the surrounding contaminants and allows liquid entries, thusenabling the coating to be mechanically and electrically sealed.
Theyare mainly used in the production of high-volume blister packaging where atwo-part heat seal coating is applied over an existing surface. Heat sealcoating is the process of applying a thin, heat-cured film of electricallyconductive or non-conductive material onto a metallic surface, such as alloysteel or aluminum. It results in a hard, non-flammable, thick film that mayalso be referred to as a hardening layer or a heat-treating layer. The adhesivewill be available in a variety of formulations, including thermoset polyimide,epoxy, or ethylene propylene oxide. Heatseal coatings are frequently used to repair corrosion and shrinkirregular-shaped parts during the manufacturing process, such as in the case ofbrazing, welding, die-cutting, attachment of electrical components, orshrinkage of plastic parts, among others.
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