
So you want to try micro dosing magic mushrooms afterreading about its many benefits but you don’t know where to start? Well, you’vecome to the right place! And if you haven’t read about the benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms, then read our blog on how it can change your life forthe better.
As defined micro dosing is consumingsub-perceptual-unnoticeable-amounts of psychedelic substance. So the goal of microdosing is not to have a large noticeable change in mood or mindset, nor are yousupposed to have any visual experiences that you get with a normal mushroomdose.
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How Much Should I Microdose?
No microdose amount will be the same for everyone. This isdue to factors in height and weight that can change a person’s reaction to adose. However, the standard range for a microdose (of dried stems) is0.15-0.3g. Dr. James Fardiman gave cautious advice in his book, “PsychedelicExplorer’s Guide” when microdosing. He recommends to always start low, thengradually increase the dosage to find out what works for you. However, if youquickly want to find what works best for you then take a higher dose that willgarner a noticeable effect and lower it until you find that sweet spot. Typically,a slightly higher dose (of dried stems) is 0.5g-1g and a “normal trip” dosewould be 2-3g.
How Often Should I Microdose?
Dr. Fardiman recommends taking a microdose every three daysand in the morning. The reason being it will give you the most energy when youneed it the most and because mushrooms could interfere with sleep. However,there are many schedules that you can follow and you just have to experiment tofigure out which one works best for you with your daily routines. The secondschedule is for the slightly ‘experienced’ person, and that is to take amicrodose every weekday (e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.). Specifically,this is perfect for those that want to test microdosing for potentialimprovements at work. However, it’s important to note that microdosing toooften and without a break can produce tolerance and eventually, causediminishing returns. For this reason, Dr. Fardiman suggests leaving a coupledays between each dose. The third schedule is taking a microdose every other day,which amounts to 3-4 times a week.
It’s important to take notes on how you feel during thistime so you can track the short-term effects as well as the long-term effects.This can also be used to determine whether you need to change up your scheduleor your dosage. Another piece of advice is to potentially take a day off ofwork or any other pressing responsibilities that you may have. This will giveyou time to observe and notice any unusual effects before proceeding in a morepublic environment.
What’s the Best Form to Microdose?
The potency of magic mushrooms vary resulting in aninconsistent psilocybin microdosing experience. On average, the caps of themushrooms are slightly more potent than the stems as they carry morepsilocybin. To combat this inconsistency, the best way to microdose mushroomsis in a powder form. You can do this by grinding dried mushrooms into a finepowder. Remember to weigh the microdose amount before they are turned into apowder. We recommend using an electronic scale for the accurate results. Thereare a variety of ways to distribute the microdoses for easier ingesting. Thefirst being mushrooms capsules. To do this, you’ll need capsule filler whichallows you to fill many capsules at the same time. The second method is to usemicro scoops. Just place your powder in a small container and use a small scoopto measure out your doses.
There are many other ways to microdose besides the pillform. Another popular method is making a mushroom tea with your microdose. It’seasy to make and can be very soothing, especially when mixed with honey.
To properly store your mushrooms, store them in a cool,dark, and dry place. The expiration date should be a few years or even longerif there is no light, moisture, or heat to affect the psilocybin.
Where Can I Get Mushrooms to Microdose?
Here at Shroom Bros! We provide our customers with the bestquality magic mushrooms.
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