German Silver Items
German Silver Items
German silver Items are products that give it a rich contemporary aura. Nandigifts collections are offered in attractive designs.

German silver Items are products that give it a rich contemporary aura. Nandigifts collections are offered in attractive designs that are suitable for casual wear and festive occasions, whether you want to decorate an event with a shiny piece of jewelry. 


Whether it is a simple ceremony or a big one like a wedding, silver is one of the most precious gifts you can give away. In India, silver gifts are considered lucky charms and are therefore used as gifts on many occasions. Whether you are looking for a sumptuous and desirable gift item that will mean the world to you, or you are planning to buy a countergift for your company meeting or give away a few memorabilia, German silver gifts stand out.


Silver plays second fiddle to gold as a precious metal. It is generally soft, and jewelry uses silver mixed with other metals. To learn about silver content and common alloys, you can test the purity of the objects.


German silver is an alloy of nickel, zinc and copper in various proportions. The process of producing German silver was perfected in Germany by the scientist E. Geitner in the early 19th century and its use spread throughout the rest of the world. Compared to silver, which tarnishes quickly, German silver has its advantages because it does not tarnish, especially when working with puja objects.


The other advantage of German silver gifts is that they look like silver, with richly etched engravings and ethnic and modern designs, making them more attractive and cheaper. Jewellery with a grey metallic finish is not as shiny as the sterling silver found in alpaca traces. Antiques and collectibles from brands made of nickel, silver and German silver have a value due to their craftsmanship, and items with these brands are not just scraps of cash.


Jewellery with a grey metallic finish (not as shiny as sterling silver) is nice to look at, but its intrinsic value is based on craftsmanship and history, not the value of metal itself.


Much inferior silver is produced for tourist markets in Europe, India, Mexico and the Orient. Counterfeiters use nickel and silver to make coins and medallions that pretend to be silver rings to lure unsuspecting buyers into paying a price based on the silver spot price. At a good price you can find jewelry and old metal objects that strongly remind you of silver.


They are named because they are silver or white, but the use of terms for alloys that do not contain metal is prohibited. If they are loved and cared for, they are sent to their new owners.


We also have other handmade items and products that are hand painted and hand made in India by the typical small artisans. Featuring wooden handicrafts, handmade oxidized jewellery, eco-friendly stationery, diverse types of unstitched suits and saris made with multiple patterns and dyeing techniques, our collection includes.