
The global frozenyogurt market is forecast to witness a steady growth owing to theincreasing consumer preference for healthy food habits. Key market insightshave been shared by Fortune Business Insights in its report, titled “FrozenYogurt Market Size, Share and Global Trend By Product Type (Plain, Flavored),By Functionality (Low-fat, Low-Calorie, Lactose-free, Others), By DistributionChannel (Supermarket/Hypermarket, Grocery Stores, Specialty Stores, OnlineChannels, Others), and Geography Forecast Till 2026”. The report brings out acomprehensive market analysis and highlights the various factors that will playan important role in shaping the market.
Its mainingredients are milk, sugar, and probiotic organisms or good bacteria that aidfermentation. To make frozen yogurt, milk and sugar are mixed and heated tohigh temperatures to kill harmful bacteria. The yogurt cultures are addedthereafter and the mixture is rested for four hours and then frozen.
Demand for A Healthy Alternative to IceCream Will Bode Well
The global frozenyogurt market is slated for steady expansion as more number of consumers becomehealth conscious. Since frozen yogurt is known to have fewer calories and lowfat content compared to ice creams, consumers are readily switching over to thehealthier alternative. More importantly, they do not compromise on taste andvariety.
Frozen yogurt hasa few other health benefits as well. For example, frozen yogurt contains goodbacteria which aids digestion and bowel movements. Moreover, they contain lowerlevels of lactose, which make it an attractive option for people having lactoseintolerance. This is signals good news for the global frozen yogurt market asnew sections of potential consumers open up and widens the market scope.
Misconceptions May Hamper Market Growth
While frozenyogurt offers many advantages over regular ice cream, there are a fewmisconceptions that may negatively impact the global frozen yogurt market. Forinstance, many people see frozen yogurt as containing only probiotics. This maymake them wary of it and some may even refrain from buying it altogether.Similarly, all the benefits associated with frozen yogurt can be accrued evenfrom regular, homemade yogurt. These factors may lead to a restrained marketgrowth of the dessert.
Market Competition to be Based on NovelProducts
The global frozenyogurt market is expected to experience increased competition among key marketplayers during the forecast period. This competition will be seen in the formof new product launches to attract more consumers and gain a competitive edge.For example, in July 2019, Danone, a major food products corporation in France,launched a line of oat milk yogurts in four flavors and each flavor isgluten-free, nut-free, soy-free, vegan, and Non-GMO Project Verified. Thus,diversification of product portfolios by market leaders will boost the globalfrozen yogurt market.
Increasing Popularity of Flavoured Yogurtsto Fuel Market Growth
“The flavouredyogurt market segment is anticipated to witness rapid rise owing to the varietyof flavors offered by key market participants,” says a lead analyst at FortuneBusiness Insights. Furthermore, online distribution channel market segment isalso expected to grow at a fast pace as more and more consumers are preferringordering food online.
North America to Hold a Leading MarketPosition
Owing to a risingpreference for healthy foods and presence of major market players, NorthAmerica is expected to occupy a prominent market position in the global frozenyogurt market. Europe and Asia-Pacific will be the next emerging regions wherefrozen yogurts are becoming popular among people. This will expand the globalfrozen yogurt market size considerably.