
Market Player
The global DermalRegeneration Template Market has only one FDA approved product from IntegraLifeScience. The growing research related to innovation in material and designis expected to penetrate many companies in the market. In 2016, a researchfunded by Welcome Trust described a novel approach to increase the thickness ofelastic- layered fiber for geriatric patients and created a hybrid of Integradermal regeneration template.
Dermal regeneration templatemarket
Dermal regeneration template is atwo-layered skin regeneration system. The outer layer of dermal regenerationtemplate is made of thin silicone film act as the epidermis of skin. The outerlayer of dermal regeneration template helps in protecting wound from infectionand controls in loss of both heat and moisture. The outer collagenGlycosaminoglycan (GAG) thermal layer functions as a biodegradable templatethat helps in regeneration of dermal tissue neodermis by the body. The innerlayer of dermal regeneration template is made of complex matrix of cross-linkedfibers. The porous material of the template helps in regeneration of skin. Thecross-linked fiber material of dermal regeneration template acts a scaffold forthe re-growth of skin layer. Once the dermal skin layer is regenerated theouter layer of template is removed and is replaced with a thin epidermal skingraft. This procedure leaves the wound to a flexible, growing and allowspermanent regeneration of skin. It allows faster healing of wound with minimumscarring. Using dermal regeneration template allows immediate wound closurewithout risking any loss of donor material. In 2005, Integra LifeSciencesreceived FDA approval for its INTEGRA Dermal Regeneration Template as atreatment for life-threatening burn injuries and reconstructive surgery for therepair of scars when other therapies fail. Recently, In January 2016, IntegraLifeSciences received FDA approval for treatment of Chronic Diabetic FootUlcers (DFU) with dermal regeneration template. The application of thistemplate is typically completed in two operative sessions involving the productapplied to the excision sites and the second procedure performed 3 to 6 weeksafter the placement of product to remove silicone layer and for an epidermalautograft applied to the neodermis.
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Future Market Outlook for Dermal Regeneration TemplateMarket
The global dermal regeneration template market is expectedto witness significant growth due to increase in incidence of burn injuries andprevalence of diabetes globally. As per the report of WHO in 2016, burns resultin around 265,000 deaths every year. Low income and middle income countriescontribute majority to the total number of burns every year. In India alone,over 1,000,000 people suffer from moderate to severe burns each year. InBangladesh, Egypt, Columbia and Pakistan, around 17% of children with burn havetemporary disability where as 18% have permanent disability. The increasingcases of burns and awareness among the population of low and middle incomecountries provides opportunity for dermal regeneration template industry. Thegrowing concern with burning cases and governments initiatives to growawareness among patients related to burn treatment through campaigns andnational burn Awareness week to act as a fuel to the growth of dermalregeneration template market. In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health &Human Services initiated medical countermeasures (MCMs) program, aimed toimprove burn treatment for mass causality. The increasing research fund andgrants associated for burn research is creating opportunity for dermalregeneration template manufacturers to come up with products with moreinnovations. American burn association (ABA) is one of such organization of theU.S. that offers awards, grants and fellowship opportunities to practitionersfor education, prevention and rehabilitation of burn. The growing usage of skingrafts and skin replacement substitutes are expected to act as a restrain tothe global dermal regeneration market. Dermal regeneration template usage inchemical, radiation or electrical burns are limited and can only be used afterthorough evaluation by surgeon. The product can be only used in excisiontherapy and are contraindicated for infectional wounds. Their limitation forincision use and usage in chemical and radiation is expected to hamper theoverall growth. North America, Europe and Asia Pacific contribute major revenueto the overall market. Asia Pacific is expected to grow with high CAGR ascompared to other region.
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Key Developments
Increasing product development and launches by IntegraLifeSciences are expected to aid growth of the global dermal regenerationtemplate market. For instance, in May 2017, Integra LifeSciences HoldingsCorporation announced the European launch of its Integra Dermal RegenerationTemplate (IDRT) Single Layer ‘Thin’, which is an extension of the company’scollagen range of dermal repair products.
Moreover, Integra LifeSciences is also focused on strategicacquisitions in order to expand its product portfolio and revenue. In July2019, the company announced the acquisition of Arkis Biosciences Inc., aprivately-owned company which offers a strong portfolio of neurosurgicaldevices.
Similarly, the life sciences company is engaged in obtainingstrategic investments and funding to strengthen its market position. In August2019, it was announced that ARP Americas LP invested US$ 302,000 in IntegraLifesciences Holdings Corp. These investments are expected to help thecompany’s develop, manufacture, and market its surgical implants and medicalinstruments that have application in neurosurgery, extremity reconstruction,orthopedics, and general surgery.
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