Customer Engagement Portal: An Up-to-Date Guide
Customer Engagement Portal: An Up-to-Date Guide
Learn about the customer engagement portal and the tips to choose the right one. Go through the feature list and implement all the strategies for business success.

What’s the difference between an average customer and an engaged customer?

An average customer will buy and leave. An engaged customer will come back and also recommend you to others. So what do you think is worth the effort?

This article is for you if you are into the second option, i.e., customer engagement, and looking for some inspiration to improve customer experience.

Here, we will learn about various strategies and how the customer engagement portal helps you implement those.

What is Customer Engagement and Why is it Important?

Customer engagement is interacting with customers through various channels and supporting them at various stages in their journey. Keeping customers engaged through the buying process helps build customer loyalty and collect valuable information about them.

Customer engagement is more of an emotional connection. It starts with the initial purchase but goes beyond customer support and a seasonal sales campaign. It involves everything customers experience while interacting with your business – speed, convenience, employee friendliness, customer support, etc.

Investing in customer engagement brings in many benefits such as better ROI, happy customers, reduced churn, more sales, and a strong brand presence.

How to Engage Customers

You can use different channels like social media, emails, and push notifications. Offer additional services like shipping and customer support. Here are some ways to engage with your customers effectively:

Create Content Strategy and Share Useful Content

Content has the power to make or break your customer. Hence, create and post content that is valuable to your customers. For that, create a customer-centric marketing strategy. Start by defining a buyer’s persona. Next, use that data to anticipate customers’ needs, interests, behavior, and more. It will help you define the kind of content you should create for customers. It can be video tutorials, webinars, animated videos, how-to guides, blogs, and other educational information.

Create various content formats for multiple channels. Lay down content guidelines, posting frequency, content distribution, and measurement metrics.

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