The initial perception of cryptocurrency as a speculative punt has been steadily transformed to a point where it is now considered as a moderately stable investment vehicle. Consequently, the digital currency regulatory landscape has come under the spotlight as governments and regulatory bodies look to ensure investor protection and minimize cases of fraud and rigging in cryptos.
Cryptocurrency Regulations and Impacts - Krypto Keepsafes
Cryptocurrency Regulations and Impacts- Krypto Keepsafes
The initial perception of cryptocurrency as a speculative punt has been steadily transformed to a point where it is now considered as a moderately stable investment vehicle. Consequently, the digital currency regulatory landscape has come under the spotlight as governments and regulatory bodies look to ensure investor protection and minimize cases of fraud and rigging in cryptos.However, the regulations and restrictions around digital assets remain scattered at best, with cryptocurrencies being subject to different classifications and tax treatments globally. We will discuss the regulatory steps taken on cryptocurrencies by some countries and their resulting impacts.