
Acochlear implant, also known as a cochlear adapter, is a surgically plantedneuroprosthetic device that gives a disabled person a modified hearingcapability. CI adapters bypass the natural audible sound system to directlyaccess the cochlear nerve, replacing it with electrical signals that directlystimulate the cochlear muscle. The results are immediate and effective.Patients find that they can perceive sound above or beyond the binaural fieldnormally reserved for normal hearing.
Thisprocedure has been on the market for several years, but only recently has itbecome available to patients with one ear. Most devices have been placed in theupper ear, but some cochlear implants can be placed in either ear. The excimerlaser essentially shaves off the hair cells that surround the cochlear nerve,effectively removing the device from the ear. The result is a smaller signalcarried by fewer cells, making the device easier to insert and more sensitiveto environmental sounds. The result is clearer speech patterns that are louderand less distorted.
Thereare several types of cochlearimplants available for insertion into the ear; all share basicfeatures. The principle of their manufacturing remains the same. They are allmade of a synthetic material called ceramics. Once the device is secured intothe ear, a plastic tube or "cubit" is inserted into the side of theear. A hearing aid connector is then secured on the top of the Cubit; thisconnection serves as the link between the Cubit and the outside world.
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