Better Moves Will Up Your Table Tennis Game
Better Moves Will Up Your Table Tennis Game
Our Pro Shop is located inside the Westchester Table Tennis Center

With table tennis tables increasingly present in homes, offices, and recreation centers, it's easier than ever to pick up a racket and play a game. But if you find you like the sport enough to go farther than casual play, it's time to buy some ping pong accessories like a racket to improve your game. Once you have the right gear, it's time to work on several skills that will enhance your game. Most players would agree the list includes grip (the way you hold the racket), footwork, and stance. Each one plays an essential role in improving your game. You may want to consider training drills as a way to improve.

Table tennis grips are one of the sport's most interesting and unique dimensions. The European and American style is known as shake hands, while the traditional Asian grip is penhold. It's similar to how you hold a pen because you hold the racket grip between your thumb and forefinger. The shake-hands grip is more relaxed, and it should be noted is gaining popularity among players in Asia. As a beginning player, it's excellent to try both and see which one feels best to you. The penhold allows for more wrist action, which lets you put more of a spin on your shots; watch players who use it.

Coaches and other experts in the sport emphasize the importance of stance to play excellent table tennis. Nearly everyone agrees a low and wide stance is optimal because it lines you up with the table height and ball in play. Standing up straight is a bit too high and puts you out of line with the ball and tabletop. It's crucial to use a good stance during practice play to build endurance. You'll quickly realize that doing it for a long time is a challenge until you've developed endurance. Your feet should be one-and-a-half shoulder widths apart and keep your center of gravity low; it's known as the ready position.  

Once you've decided on a grip and having yourself practicing the optimal stance, it's time to focus on footwork. Here you may need practice drills because the subtle moves you need to do well in competitive play may not be things you do naturally. Side steps are an example of a footwork skill you can better develop with training drills. It might not feel natural in the beginning, but in time you'll become more comfortable. Balance is a factor also, and drills help with balance and coordination. Start playing at your nearest table tennis center to go against opponents who also take the sport seriously.