
An on-demand mechanics service app assists car owners to get their car serviced hassle-free. Therefore, they prefer mobile apps instead of the traditional way of service. As the demand for Uber for Mechanic app increases, many show interest in developing it and enter into this flourishing industry. To make the app successful, incorporating beneficial features is a necessity. In this blog, let us see a few of the essential features to incorporate in the Uber for Mechanic service app.
Pricing :
Compared to the traditional way of mechanic service, the service charge in the on-demand mechanics service app is affordable and transparent. Price transparency makes the customer know the actual value of the car parts they change. In addition to that, allowing the customers to know the fare estimation before they opt for the service is beneficial. That is, before the car owners confirm the service request.
Live tracking :
This feature will allow the customers to check the mechanics' real-time location upon confirming the service request. If required, customers can guide the mechanics to reach the destination shortly.
Payment gateway :
Incorporating the secure payment gateway will facilitate seamless transactions between the car owners, service providers (mechanics), and admin.
Search results :
Car owners have the option to search for the service type they need to avail themselves. Also, they can choose the mechanics based on their experience. Scheduling the car service is also possible by specifying the convenient service time.
Some more exciting features to consider are multilingual & multi-currency, In-app messaging, Invoice generation, and In-app wallet. With the changing market trends, considering new features will make the Uber for Mechanics app stand apart from the other on-demand mechanics service apps in the market.