
Metal roofs are often effortless and fast to fit as the material comes as up to 10 m2 plates. Most of the Belfast Roofing Service providers like the fact that it doesn’t require a whole wood purlin.
If your home needs a new roof, metal is the best option. They are available in a variety of colours and finishes. There’s also an extensive range of different profile types to choose from. When it comes to residential metal roof installation, everyone is sure to find something to their liking.
Select the Right Tools
The metal roof panel edges might be reasonably sharp. They can easily sever an electrical power cord, which can result in very deadly situations. That’s why, while installing a metal roof, it’s best to use a cordless drill. Other relevant tools include:
- Nail gun/hammer
- Measuring tape with a crowbar
- Pencils
- saw with a circular blade
- a handsaw
- Bits for screwdrivers and cordless screwdrivers
- Stapler for cordless drill
- Cutters for sheet metal
Installing the Roof Panels
Here are some handy tips by Belfast Roofing Services for residential metal roof installation.
- The metal panels must first be lifted onto the roof.
- Take care not to damage or bend them while installing.
- It could be a good idea to construct a sturdy wooden ramp to slide them up.
- The first plate should be positioned on the roof such that it extends 30 mm beyond the edge.
- You should also attach it with one screw from the center so that you can change the position later if necessary.
- The second plate is screwed to the first plate and is positioned immediately next to it—Make sure both plates are aligned and overlapped.
- Once you’re satisfied with the results, use special sealed screws to secure them to the rafters.
- Ideally, twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring, roof maintenance should be undertaken. A gentle broom and water can be used to clean the it.
Tips by Belfast Roofing Services for a fast & easy Installation
- The metal sheets have sharp edges and corners. To avoid injury, you should always wear work gloves.
- When shifting the sheets, avoid bending them. It has the potential to detract from the final appearance totally.
- Place the metal sheets in a flat place to keep them safe. It would also be ideal for keeping them at a slight angle, enabling water runoff.
- Do not use a circular saw to cut the metal sheets. It has the potential to deteriorate galvanization. Because corrosion can propagate all through the metal sheet, the roof’s lifespan is reduced.
- Scratching the metal sheets can cause them to rust.
- When attaching metal panels, only use screws with seals.
- Metal sheets that have suffered scratches or other surface damage should be coated.
- The use of sealed screws improves storm resistance.
- If your old roof is composed of eternity, the first thing you should be aware of is the fact that eternity contains asbestos, which is hazardous to inhale. As a result, whenever you remove the roofing, you should always wear a respirator.
To know more about residential metal roof installation, connect with the experts at GC Roofing.