
Anatomic Pathology Market Drivers
Increasing demand from anatomicpathology service providers as well as from research laboratories (anatomicpathology research) is expected to drive growth of the AnatomicPathology Market over the forecast period.
Innovative product launches andincreasing mergers & acquisition activities has fostered growth of theanatomic pathology market. For instance, in June 2018, PHC Holdings Corporationcompleted acquisition of Anatomical Pathology business of Thermo FisherScientific Inc., The acquired Anatomical Pathology business would operate as anew stand-alone company named Epredia and will serve as a leading globalprovider of comprehensive solutions in the anatomical pathology .
Moreover increasing productlaunch is also anticipated to propel the growth of anatomical pathology marketduring the forecast period, F. Hoffmann LA Roche Ltd. launched VENTANA DP 200Slide Scanner in April 2018, which provides high-speed scanning of histologyslides for digital pathology.
Anatomic pathology involvesdirect visualization of human tissue as gross examination as well as under amicroscope for proper diagnosis of the disease or a pathological condition.Subtypes of anatomic pathology include surgical pathology, oral and maxillofacialpathology, cytopathology, molecular pathology, and forensic pathology.Procedures performed in anatomic pathology include gross examination,histopathology, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, cryopathology,tissue cytogenetics, and others. Standard approach in anatomical pathology ismicroscopic examination of tissue samples with the help of one or more stains.Manufacturers have developed stains to identify and classify microorganisms inbiopsy of tissue samples or excisional specimens. Various gram stains andacid-fast stains have applications in detection of bacteria and mycobacteria intissue samples.
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Commercially available productsinclude tissue processing systems, microtomes, cryostats, andimmunohistochemistry products along with accessories for these products such ascytology accessories, and microtome accessories. Microtomes are required to cuttissue block at room temperature with precision, control, and comfort and canbe manually operated, semi-automated, and fully automated. Whereas, Cryostatsare used to cut sections of frozen tissue blocks at subzero temperatures.Immunohistochemistry involves imaging of antigens in cells of a tissue sectionto decipher tissue distribution of an antigen of interest in diseases.Immunohistochemistry is widely used in diagnosis of cancers, and specificallyexpressed tumor antigens are identified. Commercially available anatomicpathology products include CryoStar NX70 Cryostat, ClearVue Coverslipper, andShandon Cytoblock cell block preparation system, Excelsior AS Tissue Processor,ultraView SISH DNP Detection Kit, Peloris II, and Leica ASP300S.
However, integration of newtechnology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) in pathology is expected topositively impact growth of the anatomic pathology market over the forecastperiod. For instance, Leica Biosystems announced to support a UK governmentproject to find ways to integrate Artificial Intelligence in pathologyapplications in January 2018. Furthermore, Philips and NovoPath Inc. integratedNovoPath anatomic pathology software platform, and Philips IntelliSitePathology Solution and Wholeslide Imaging System in January 2018. LeicaBiosystems, and UCLA Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine announceda collaboration to accelerate adoption of digital pathology in 2016. Thesefactors are expected to boost the growth of the anatomic pathology market overthe forecast period. Cancer informatics and digital pathology workflow solutionprovider Inspirata, Inc. partnered to add latter’s Aperio Digital PathologyScanners to formers end-to-end workflow solution portfolio in 2017.
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However, limited use of anatomicpathology solutions is expected to restrain growth of the anatomic pathology marketover the forecast period.
Anatomic Pathology MarketInsights
North America and Europe areexpected to dominate the anatomic pathology market over the forecast period,owing to presence of various anatomic pathology research institutions(individual universities such as University of Ottawa, Canada) and diagnosticlaboratories. Moreover, anatomic pathology service providers are present inboth the regions who require these products frequently. Manufacturers such asThermoFisher Scientific and Agilent Technologies, Inc. provide advancedproducts in the North America region, which fuel growth of the market. AsiaPacific region is expected to show significant growth over the forecast period,owing to increasing prevalence of chronic diseases with the need of biopsiessuch as cancer. For instance, according to World Health Organization reportspublished in 2018, around 4,285,033 new cancer cases were diagnosed in China.
Anatomic Pathology MarketCompetitive Landscape
Key players operating in theglobal anatomic pathology market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, F.Hoffman-La Roche AG, Agilent Technologies, Danaher Corporation, QuestDiagnostics, Inc., Biocartis NV, and Sakura FineTechnical Co., Ltd.
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