
The Maids asked you what topicyou wanted covered in an upcoming blog post and we received great feedback.
One topic you wanted to learn more about was daily cleaning tipsfor each room.
Let’s be real. The main reasonwe spend so many hours cleaning is because we don’t put things away in thefirst place.
I will be the first to admit, Ihave let the dishes pile up, left the toys on the floor and waited until I hadno clean clothes before doing the laundry; and I have experienced theoverwhelming task of cleaning my entire house in what feels like a marathon dayof cleaning. But, who wants to spend their free time cleaning? Not me.
You’ve heard the saying, slowand steady wins the race… well that’s the idea. Little bits of daily cleaningreally will keep your home in tip-top shape, but you have to have a game planto achieve cleaning victory. Here are a few strategic moves worth practicing inyour own home.
Daily DoubleTeam
No matter what you are doing,clean as you go.
Bedrooms: Make your bed as soonas you get up. Always put your dirty clothes directly in the hamper when youchange, and hang up and put away clean clothes. The treadmill is not a closet;so don’t treat it like one.
Kitchen: Clean as you cook anddon’t ever put anything down in the sink. Plates should go directly from thetable to the dishwasher, and so should pots and pans. You can also wipe downcountertops while you’re brewing your morning coffee and the microwave rightafter you use it.
Bathroom: Wipe down sinks andmirrors as you brush your teeth (you only need one hand for each task). Sprayand scrub down the bathtub as soon as you’re finished with your shower or givethe toilet a quick cleaning with the toilet bowl cleaner.
Living Rooms/Family Rooms/ToyRooms: Set ground rules and stick to them. One movie at a time, one book at atime, and one bin of toys at a time; and when you’re finished, put it awaybefore you get a new one out. Picking up seems like an obvious daily cleaningtip however, more of our “cleaning” time is spent actually picking up andputting things away, so why not do it right away?
If you have the manpower,cleaning always happens faster and more efficient as a team. Clean Arabia cleanas a family in my household. We do dishes, laundry, vacuuming and dusting inteams. My children (including my 3 year old) are responsible for taking theirown plates to the dishwasher, putting their own clothes in the hamper, makingtheir beds and picking up their toys. I give my kids the chance to help withhousehold chores so that they know that they are part of our family team andthat we are working together to keep our house clean. Of course, we always tryto keep it fun by playing games and have cleaning competitions as we go. Simplyfollow these easy steps to create a winning combination of a tidy and happyhome.