8 Lessons From An Entrepreneur-Billionaire
8 Lessons From An Entrepreneur-Billionaire
Khalil Suleiman Halilu - Get inspired by the success stories of Nigerian & African entrepreneurs. Best polo player & social entrepreneurs."

8 Lessons From An Entrepreneur-Billionaire

8Lessons From An Entrepreneur-Billionaire


Cosmas Mmaduka is one of the home madebillionaires and a successful entrepreneur in Nigeria. He is the president ofCoscharis Group. A man who started from a very low background and rose to theownership position of a multinational company with over 14 billion capitalbase.


As he stood in front of his audiencegathered at a seminar with all the attention and focus on him, he was lettingout the account of the journey that took him from nothingness to an abundance.The ups and down of his life and the powerful lessons any aspiring Nigerianentrepreneur should always observe to be successful.


From his heart-touching, inspiring, practicalstory. These are the few eight lessons among numerous lessons Dr Mmaduka storyenfolds; as he released it to his audience made up of information seekingaspiring entrepreneurs.


1. You should have and exercise a trust inGod. Believe He is able to do all things.

2. Having or building your self esteem isvery important as this will help you to pass difficult and challenging times.

3. To be a successful entrepreneur you have to be aman or woman of vision. Also there should be a burning desire to actualize yourvision no matter the obstacles you see on your way.

4. You need to have a system. Plan youractions; know your methods and ways to approach situations in accordance to therealization of your major goal.

5. Boldness is a factor you can not dowithout. You need boldness to take up your actions and give maximum effectiveattention to situations.

6. An entrepreneur is a risk taker but youshould take only calculated risks. All risks are not for you, so you need toanalyze every risk to check its viability before embarking on it.

7. You need be a man of integrity and keeppromises you make. Is is better not to make a promise if you are not sure ofkeeping it.

8. As an entrepreneur, all the work is notfor you alone being that you are a manager of both human and materialresources. Attract and work with smart and competent employees