
The very thought of having bed bugs can make any resident’s skin crawl. It’s a myth that bed bugs are attracted to dirty and filthy environments. But the truth is, bed bugs are not choosy about the environment as long as they are getting their share of human or animal blood to feast on. The environment only plays as a source of hiding. The clutter and the mess in your home provide a good hiding place for them, until they find a more stable area, like a mattress or sofa. It’s better to call professional bed bug pest control services if you find a large bed bug infestation in your mattress or furniture.
Bed bugs do not need to travel in packs to cause an infestation. Only a single pregnant bed bug is enough to start an entire colony. But the important question is where do bed bugs come from? And how do they enter our house? Well, they usually hitchhike on various objects like bags, clothes, mattresses, furniture, books, etc. until they find a suitable host or human. After that, they try to be as close as possible to the host and establish their colonies. Here we will discuss the ways bed bugs spread and enter our home:
Luggage like suitcases and bags are the most common things bed bugs can cling to for travelling. These items are so common that you are bound to use them while travelling. You cannot even deny the guests or any visitors coming to your home with these luggages.
Bed bugs find a suitable spot on your luggage to cling without you even noticing them. You need to thoroughly examine your luggage for any hiding bed bugs so that they don’t enter your home and start colonies in your bed bug-free home.
School & Office
Places like schools and offices are more likely to have bed bugs as a lot of people accumulate in one place. Some may bring bed bugs unknowingly from their already infested homes. These places are more difficult to protect as there is a lot of traffic on an everyday basis.
Bed bugs can cling to your clothes, your bags, and other things you carry to a school or workplace. If you want to know where the bed bugs came from in your house, you can check if the school or offices have a bed bug problem. Then you can call professional bed bug control services in Hyderabad.
Hotels or Hospitals
Places that have beds to accommodate such as hotels, motels, hostels, hospitals, etc. can be a potential place that spreads bed bugs. Sometimes these places do not have proper cleaning service or inspection services. There can be a lot of bed bugs crawling inside the bed you are going to use.
These bed bugs can cling to you or your luggage and easily enter your home. So, before jumping on the bed of your hotel room or sleeping in the hospital bed, you first need to inspect for bed bugs and other pests. To avoid bringing bed bugs, you can wash your clothes and seal them in a bag before keeping them in your wardrobe.
Second Hand Furniture
Everyone likes a good deal on household items and second-hand items are the only solution when you have a budget problem or just in the time of overconsumption. But, there are some risks associated with second-hand furniture, especially if they are cushioned or upholstered.
Bed bugs particularly like cushioned places to hide such as beds, couches, armchairs, etc. If you are buying second-hand furniture, you need to get them properly cleaned or have them inspected by professional pest control services in Hyderabad. You may also want to steer clear of furniture off the streets, which can be a possible health risk.
Public Transport:
As mentioned above, bed bugs can be present at large gatherings, like in public mode of transportation. The majority of Indian people travel in public transports like trains, buses, autos, etc. Some of these people travel with bags and suitcases. You won’t be able to know who may carry bed bugs and transfer them to you.