
You have received a precious Fun Ways to Ask Godparents. Yes, you have received a precious gift, whether you know it or not, whether you agree with me or not. It is a gift from the Spirit and the general name of this gift is that it is a spiritual gift, because it comes from that Spirit.
Spiritual Gifts - What Is Your Spiritual Gift?
You have received a precious Fun Ways to Ask Godparents. Yes, you have received a precious gift, whether you know it or not, whether you agree with me or not. It is a gift from the Spirit and the general name of this gift is that it is a spiritual gift, because it comes from that Spirit.
If you know this gift you are able to use it for your benefit and that of others around you. If you do not know what this gift is, it will lie there, unopened, unlooked, unused and you will go through life all the poorer because of your failure to make use of this wonderful gift.
It is like an inheritance. A parcel of land was awarded to an heir as an inheritance. But if she does not know about this deed of inheritance, she will go through life without getting the benefits of this inheritance.
Ephesians 4:8 says that gifts were given to human beings, not just to members of the Church. This means that whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, a Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, atheist or agnostic, or whatever else, if you are a human being, a gift was given to you by this Spirit. It may be one gift or may be more than one gift. But at least there is a gift that was given to you.
So, what is your spiritual gift? Let us have a rundown of some of these gifts.
Do you have the gift of prophecy? This does not necessarily mean that you can foretell things in the future, but that you are able to speak forth for God.
Do you have the gift of ministry or serving others? Some people just have the knack of helping others voluntarily without thinking of any compensation. Are you one of these?
Do you have the gift of teaching, showing others clearly and forcefully what you want to say? Some who took up teaching as a profession have this gift, but the majority seem not to have it. They can only repeat what the textbooks and other teachers said before them.
Or do you have the gift of exhortation, giving energy to those who seem to be lacking the drive to do a certain thing?
Do you have the gift of giving? Many philanthropists have this gift. But you need not be a well-known philanthropist to have this gift. You can give in your own little way.
Do you have the gift of ruling or managing things. Some have the knack of delegating work to others. They have this gift of ruling or managing.
Do you have the gift of showing mercy? There are people who are naturally compassionate. They cannot even kill a fly. They have mercy even unto the least of animals.
Do you have the gift of wisdom, saying the right word at exactly the needed time?
Or do you have the gift of knowledge, able to understand some of the hidden things around us like the mysterious laws of nature?
Or do you have the gift of faith so as to perform miracles?
Or do you have the gift of healing so as to cure diseases of body and mind?
Maybe you have the gift of discerning of spirits so as to know what spirit is working in the lives of people?
Or do you have the gift of speaking in a tongue foreign to you or of understanding a foreign language? Some people seem to learn a language very quickly. They have this gift.
Or you may have other gifts not mentioned here. There are plenty of other gifts. Like the gift of arranging things, the gift of cleaning things, the gift of humor, the gift of acting, the gift of singing, etc. Language itself, knowing how to speak in verbal or sign language, is already a gift given to you.
It is time for you to reflect upon your life and recognize what gift or gifts have been given to you. It is time for you to have a spiritual awakening so that you can recognize the gift given you and take benefit from this gift. Your spiritual hunger activates genuine spirituality within you. As you are getting in touch with your spirit you will know the gifts given to you.