
Inso-Quotient is one of the most trusted platform in India, when it comes in resolving any kind of insurance greviances. Backed by experienced legal team. We offers solutions that best benefits you.
How Insoquotient helps you in solving any type of Insurance related greviances?
Insoquotient is a digital platform that specifically targets all your Insurance Greviances. We offer services like resolving Insurance policy rejection or lapse , delay in insurance claim, claim rejection or under paid, Risk Management in unfair Insurance Marketing, and misselling by fake marketers. We have a experienced team attorneys that looks after your case as soon as you contact us. First, We provide you a free consulation and registraion of the case. Next, we ask for you documents and study the case multiple times. If the case is confirmed then we charges a minimum amount of 599+gst. And fights for you claim in the court. Click here to check out webstie.