
then we, fix now,
are hanging around for you.
If your AC is smelly, it is better to get an AC duct cleaning done.
We Provide water treatment services in dubai , Water Filtration Services , and Ac fixing Services in Dubai.
Why does your AC smell foul?
AC is one of the best inventions. Having AC at your home in the mid-year gives you a comfortable environment. During the hotter seasons, the climate can change whenever and extreme hotness can be genuinely uncomfortable. Having installed and maintained AC will ensure that you can enjoy the most extended and increasingly well-appointed atmosphere.
Every Air conditioner needs maintenance regularly. Why air conditioner maintenance and servicing is essential? What happens if we don't get it serviced monthly? One of the most common problems people face is that their AC starts stinking. It occurs primarily due to mold, dust, and bacterial growth in the AC air ducts.
If you are searching for the best repairing and maintenance Ac repairing services in Dubai, we, fix now, are consistently there for you.
Why does your AC smell foul?
It happens primarily due to dust and bacterial growth in the AC air ducts.
The old and dirty smell is the most well-known and foul smell experienced by AC. On the off chance that your AC smells smelly, the overall reason is the accumulation of water in the channel dish or dribble lines (or in the event of the ducted system), which can make growth or mold develop.
If there should arise an occurrence of leakage, you may even get noticeable signs in your indoor ductless unit, for example, water dripping down your wall.
One more justification for such a smell can be messy channels. If you live in a warm and sticky environment and turn your AC on after an extensive period, dampness can gather in your drains, which causes your ac to smell like dirty socks.
If your AC is smelly, it is better to get an AC duct cleaning done. AC that stinks needs air conditioner cleaning and maintenance. Fix now Provides a wide range of Expert Level works. Who takes off everything from the beginning. We Provide Water Treatment Services, Water Filtration Services, and Ac fixing Services in Dubai.
When your AC smells of rotten eggs:
If your room scents rotten eggs whenever you turn on the AC, it is mainly because of a dead crawly insect or a creature stuck somewhere inside the AC. Bugs, rats, and even birds can get inside the darchambers of the air conditioner. The failure to get out, they die and start to decay inside. It causes a foul smell, which makes it hard to remain in the room.
Don't sit around and book an appointment from our online website fix now if you notice this smell. A dead creature inside the AC can spread illnesses. Get the insect taken out and clean the air ducts thoroughly. Having your room and area sanitized keeps you safe from any disease.