
Are you interested in styling up your powder room? If you already have a powder room, that's great. But, decorating it with tiles will spruce up the space and give a luxurious touch to it. Moreover, they add character and style, but they can also serve as a place to store your cosmetics and other personal belongings.
You need to keep a few things in mind when designing a powder room. You need to make sure the room is comfortable, the space is spick and span, and the fixtures are up-to-date. First, decide the location of your powder room. Do you want it in the living room or bedroom? How big of an area do you have? Do you like it all open or sealed off?
Here's a guide on how to style your powder room like a pro in seven different ways:
- Tile up the floor in black and white
- Go for an accent wall
- Style it up with lavish wall tiles
- Opt for a half tiled wall
- Fixed sinks with countertops
- Go for a wallpaper-look pattern
- Create a luxury look with all-marble tiles
Tile up the floor in black and white:
Powder rooms can be classic with oriental white marble, or you can be playful with the color scheme. But, not all powder rooms are as colorful and fun as they might seem. Many of them can be stale and dark. That's where black and white floor tiles come in. A geometric pattern will add a touch of color to a powder room without stealing its functionality, but they also make it look much more sophisticated. Plus, it's a perfect contrast for any modern home.
Go for an accent wall:
In general, a trendy backsplash is enough to beautify the look of these small rooms. However, if that is not your call, go for an accent wall. Create an entire wall using unique tiles and entertain your guests with the luxury protocol. Any color combo will work in such secluded rooms.
Style it up with lavish wall tiles:
A powder room isn't just for show. It can be a very functional and stylish space, too. And if you want to make your powder room look its best, you need to use lavish tiles. In addition to adding an extra touch of luxury, they will also help create a beautiful and sturdy appearance. So, use them as a centerpiece- Place a bowl of flowers and ornaments on one of the large tiles in your powder room. This will add an extra touch of elegance and design to your space.
Opt for a half-tiled wall:
Suppose you wish to create something like a jewel box, tile up the half walls of the room. Similar to bathrooms, half-wall tiles will look elegant yet trendy. However, it might keep the room a bit cool. But, extra lighting will balance out the tone and temperature of your powder room. Oriental white marble tiles, for instance, will look stunning with half-grey painted walls.
Fixed sinks with countertops:
When you want to create a modern, sleek powder room, fixed sinks are the way to go. This way, you can add a touch of luxury and style. In addition, it is easy to clean and maintain your countertops. So, opt for a countertop with a fixed sink that doesn't occupy a lot of space.
Go for a wallpaper-look pattern:
For powder rooms, a wallpapered-look tile is a great option: It has both a timeless appeal and the functionality and style options of ceramic tile. For that, it's hard not to be wowed by the lavish look of gold or silver wallpaper. So, a wallpaper style and a round framed mirror are enough to create a unique powder room.
Create a luxury look with all-marble tiles:
Are you thinking of marble tiles? Well, you have a great aesthetic sense, then. There is nothing more traditional yet trendy when it comes to using a marble look. You can create a stunning powder room with all marble-looking tiles. In this case, large format marble slabs will offer the perfect look. Moreover, it will add a broader sense to your small room.
Summing up:
If you are all set to dazzle your guests with a stunning powder room, above are some brilliant ideas for you. So, go for geometric black and white tiles, a half tile wall, or an accent wall. For a lavish look, opt for all marble-look or large format tiles. Choose modern and sleek countertops with fixed sinks. Pick the idea that suits your lifestyle.
Here you can also learn about the difference between Quartz and Granite worktops