
Gluten-free sourdough starter is made with naturally occurring, wild yeast. The fermentation process involves the growth of bacteria and yeast in flour and water, which results in a sourdough bread that has a unique taste and texture. Gluten-free sourdough starter is easy to make and can be used to make a variety of foods. It's also a great way to save money on gluten-free baking, since you can make your own.
Fermentation Kit contains everything you need to get started on your own journey into the world of fermentation: a ceramic crock with lid (to hold your starter), a wooden spoon for stirring, and a recipe card describing how to make your very own gluten free sourdough starter!
To make your own gluten-free sourdough starter, you'll need:
-1 cup of filtered water
-2 tablespoons of molasses or brown sugar
-1 tablespoon of gluten-free flour (preferably rye or buckwheat)
Put all ingredients into a mason jar with an airtight lid and stir well. Store in a cool place for 5 days, then add another 1/4 cup of filtered water and 2 tablespoons of gluten-free flour (preferably rye or buckwheat). Stir well and store again for another 5 days before repeating this step again. When you're ready to use it, just keep feeding it with more water and flour on a regular basis!
Dried elderberries are dried berries that add a sour flavor to baked goods. They are often used in baking recipes that use yeast or sourdough starters because they have an acidic taste that helps balance out the sweetness of the other ingredients.
The loose leaf tea ball is a container made from metal mesh or other material with holes in it that allows you to steep your dried elderberries in hot water.
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