
When weak erection problems occur in young men, the tendency is to think that their origin is one hundred percent psychological. So much so that we find many studies on the causes and treatment of erectile dysfunction in adult and older men, but very few in the young male population.
However, beyond the fact that erectile dysfunction increases with age, as well as the health problems that are its risk factors, we should not stop investigating the physical factors that cause it in young men. In fact, sexologists in Delhi are increasingly convinced that in all sexual problems and dysfunctions the causes are not only psychological or medical, and that all components of the human being are always involved.
In today’s article Dr P K Gupta, Best Sexologist in Delhi, will talk about a weak erection during masturbation and how it can indicate a cardiological risk, continue reading!
What happens in those young men who, without having sexual intercourse, present a weak erection due to masturbation?
Perhaps we think, at first, that it is a problem of anxiety, lack of desire or concentration. But an investigation carried out in Shanghai between 2009 and 2012, and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2014, concludes that it could be evidence of early cardiovascular risk that health professionals should take into account.
This work was carried out with men whose age ranged between 18 and 40 years. Some of them (78) had weak erection from masturbation and did not have sexual intercourse. The other group did have coital activity. Of these men, 179 were diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, and 43 did not have this problem. The evaluation of the three groups was exhaustive, including clinical and biochemical examinations, sexual history, International Index of Erectile Function and monitoring of nocturnal penile tumescence, among others.
The conclusion is that in these young men with difficulties in masturbation, certain cardiovascular risk factors are present, sometimes in a higher proportion than in the group with erectile dysfunction: vascular dysfunction, early glycometabolic disorder and nocturnal penile tumescence.
Thus, not only erectile dysfunction but also weak masturbatory erection should be considered as an early cardiovascular risk factor in young men, says sexologist in Delhi.
Both this study, as well as others cited in it, suggest the importance of cardiovascular evaluation in young men, and even more so if they present difficulties in their erectile function, either in coital or masturbatory activity.
The challenge for the future is to carry out similar studies in different countries and with a larger number of men, and to make both patients and doctors aware of the evaluation and prevention strategies to be carried out in daily clinical practice.
Going to a medical visit is the right way to live healthier, adopting good habits, healthy customs and appropriate medical recommendations by sexologist in Delhi.