
Tickborne illnesses are a growing threat to public health. In just the last few years, we've seen Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses spreading across the US and around the world Vibrant Wellness Tick is a tick-borne illness testing and treatment center that offers the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art diagnostic services for tickborne illnesses. Ticks can transmit a number of different diseases to humans, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Since ticks are small and can hide in areas like tall grasses, shrubs, and leaf piles, it's important to be aware of their presence when you're outside. It produces many toxin compounds in our body so there is a test named ENVIROtox Panel.ENVIROtox Panel is a unique combination of tests that evaluates the effects of environmental toxins on your body. These include heavy metals, pesticides, and air pollution as well as other chemicals that may be harming your health. The ENVIROtox Panel is designed to assess your overall exposure to environmental toxins. The test measures the levels of environmental toxins in your urine and blood. This helps determine how much exposure you have had to these substances in the past and if there are any changes in your body's ability to eliminate them from your system. For More details, You can visit our official website Thedr.