
Lactose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms And Remedies
Lactose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms And Remedies
Everyone who consumes milk products can not digest them. To digest the sugar of the milk, lactose
requires an enzyme called lactase. The lack of lactase, lactose passes into the colon where it feeds
bacteria generating gas and fluid, leading to cramps and painful bloating.
Lactose intolerance is not dangerous. However, its symptoms can be distressing. Want to know more about
lactose intolerance? Don’t worry!
ToneOp is here! Let us learn more about lactose intolerance, its symptoms, causes and treatments.
What is Lactose Intolerance?
Lactose Intolerance is a stomach-related disorder caused by the failure to process lactose, restoratively
known as "Lactose Malabsorption". This condition happens on the off chance that your body doesn't make
sufficient lactase, a protein expected to process lactose.
Lactase is available in the coating of the small digestive tract, where it parts milk sugar (called
lactose) into two essential sugars "glucose and galactose."
These sugars can then be retained in your circulatory system for use by the body. So basically, "lactose
lack" implies that your body doesn't deliver sufficient lactase to completely process all of the lactose
in milk or any dairy items you eat.
Milk is one of the most well-known refreshments in North America. Around 81% of individuals drink milk
consistently. However, for unknown reasons, many Americans can't process a specific sugar(lactose) in
milk items.
Causes Of Lactose Intolerance
Anyone can have lactose intolerance. Here we have listed a few common causes of lactose intolerance:
1. Lactose intolerance is often genetic. In these cases, the body makes less of the lactase enzyme over
time, and the symptoms may start during the teen or adult years.
2. In a few cases, the small intestine stops making lactase after an injury, infection or disease.
3. Some premature babies may not be able to make enough lactase. However, this
is a short-term problem that goes away.
4. Rarely are people born with lactose intolerance disorder.
Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance
Every person with lactose intolerance can experience different symptoms. However, the symptoms may start
about 30 minutes to 2 hours after you have food or drinks that have lactose.
The symptoms may include:
Abdominal pain and cramps
Opt For Lactose-Free Products
Changing your diet is the simple answer. The products we use daily contain some milk, they are:
Recipes with white sauce and creams.
Packages foods such as cookies and biscuits
Soups and sauces
Processed meats
Sweets and custard
Therefore, examine the products whether they contain dairy. The added milk and dairy products will be
labelled as:
Milk Solids
Milk Powder
Whey Protein
Milk Casein
Milk Sugar
Malted Milk
Dry Milk Solids
Sour Cream
Whey Protein Concentrate
Milk Byproducts
The Bottom Line
The disaccharide sugar lactose, present in milk, is said to cause lactose intolerance when it can't be
consumed enough — usually, an absence of lactase brings about narrow-mindedness.
Obstruction, swelling, and looseness of the bowels are a few typical indications of lactose bigotry.
Moreover, various individuals have lactose intolerance, and there are numerous basic dietary changes you
ought to take on to stay away from or decrease side effects.
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