
Lips define our facial features. Dark lips give the face a dull appearance. Nowadays, dark lips are a common concern. If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your dark lips, there are a few ways to fix or lighten them. This blog discusses the causes of dark lips and home remedies and dermatologist-recommended treatments.
Sun exposure: Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of dark lips. UV rays from the sun can also darken the lips when they darken the skin. We do not apply sunscreen to our lips; they remain most susceptible to sun damage.
Another common cause of dark lips is smoking. The nicotine and other chemicals found in cigarettes can discolour the lips. Smoking produces free radicals, which cause skin damage and inflammation. This micro-inflammation causes the release of pigment, which darkens the lips. Even passive smoking causes lips to darken.
Constant Lip Licking Constant lip licking can also cause darkening of the lips. Saliva is a digestive enzyme; therefore, it damages the lips' natural barrier when it comes into contact with the skin. Once the barrier is compromised, lip discolouration is inevitable. The lips must be hydrated because they lack natural moisturizers and the ability to produce oils.
Certain nutritional deficiencies can also cause lips to darken. Having full, baby-pink lips is a sign of excellent health. Any discolouration of the lips may also indicate a nutritional deficiency.
Dark lips may also be caused by metabolic conditions such as Addison's disease.
Autoimmune skin conditions: Not only can Lichen Planus cause dark lips, but it can also cause dark gums. In this condition, itching skin lesions and nail involvement may be present.
When the body is dehydrated, the skin can become dry and wrinkled, and the lips lose moisture rapidly. Additionally, dehydration can cause dark lips. It can result from insufficient water intake or wind and cold weather exposure. Staying in an air-conditioned room can also cause lips to become dry due to the increased loss of moisture and hydration.
How to naturally treat dark lips at home - DIY lip care
There are many natural and medical treatments for dark lips. There are several steps to lighten dark lips at home or on your own.
Lip Moisturising: The lips are incapable of producing moisture. They lose moisture first when exposed to harsh weather or health conditions. Add a lip balm with ceramides, shea butter, and glycerin. At home, milk cream and ghee can moisturize the lips. Please avoid these remedies if you experience itching or a mouth rash.
Avoid Lip licking - Do not lick or smack your lips. Try to avoid these common but skin-unfriendly behaviours.
Antioxidant-rich foods aid in maintaining healthy lips. Vegetables and yellow fruits, such as pomegranate, contain polyphenols that strengthen the lips' natural barrier.
Avoid lipsticks of lower quality: Understanding that preservatives can exacerbate lip discolouration is crucial. Choose expensive lipsticks and only wear them when going out.
Drinking many fluids helps prevent probate dehydration and enhances lip collars.
Tea and coffee should be consumed only one time per day. Consuming them in moderation is permissible, but they dehydrate the lips.
Yes, you read correctly. Do not scrub the lips! Scrubbing can make dark lips worse. Avoid exfoliating or rubbing lips with a toothbrush.
If you have a history of metal allergy, you should avoid toothpaste with herbal ingredients.
Avoiding smoking will keep your lips hydrated and baby pink.
Choose a high-quality, preservative-free sunscreen and apply it daily to your lips, even indoors.
The dermatologist suggested remedies for dark lips
Certain chemical peels contain arginine and lactic acid to hydrate and enhance the colour of the lips. Lip peels containing glycolic acid must be used with caution on sensitive skin. To achieve optimal results, one must select an experienced Dermatologist in Roorkee for such procedures.
We use the Spectra Gold Q-switched laser for lip lightening. It helps to disperse lip pigment permanently. It must be done to prevent the lip from overheating. A small number of sessions may be required for lip bleaching.
At Dr Hera Skin & Hair Clinic, we customize facials to include lip care and lip lightening techniques, such as oxyjet and Hydradermabrasion, which exfoliate lips without causing damage.
Consult a dermatologist for treatment of dark lips. Good skin and hair specialists in Roorkee can give you baby-pink lips.