
Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery is performed to reduce the size of enlarged male breasts. It is a daycare procedure performed on an outpatient basis. The surgery takes around 1 hour and the patient gets discharged on the same evening itself. Gynecomastia condition usually occurs due to disturbances in the endocrine system of the male body. In this surgery, through liposuction or an excision method, excess breast tissues and skin are removed. Like any other surgery or treatment, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, Gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic, always wants the procedure of gynecomastia to go smoothly for the patient, and she makes sure that the patient feels comfortable throughout the operation and is able to achieve the desired results.
Dr. Mrinalini Sharma is a well-known Gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi at Aestiva Clinic. Apart from gynecomastia surgery, her fields of interest include hair transplant and other procedures such as abdominoplasty, female breast reduction, liposuction, rhinoplasty, and mommy makeover.
To better prepare the patients for gynecomastia surgery, here are some important things to be done or avoided, explained by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, plastic surgeon at Aestiva Clinic as below.
Do’s and Don’ts Prior to gynecomastia Surgery:
Avoid smoking cigarettes at least two weeks prior to the surgery as nicot-ine can delay and affect the healing after gynecomastia surgery.
Avoid direct sun exposure over the chest area and use of tanning creams or beds starting two weeks prior to the surgery.
One must avoid consuming alcoholic beverages at least one week prior to the surgery.
One must discontinue the intake of blood thinners such as asp-irin-containing products, blood thinning medicines, Vitamin E and herbal supplements such as green tea, and garlic supplements. Also, the surgeon must be aware of all the medications that one must be taking on a regular basis. The patient must discuss their medical history with the surgeon or any medications which they have been taking earlier.
The patient must ask someone to help them drive back home post-surgery. If no one is available, other options must be discussed with the surgeon.
While preparing for the surgery, if one falls sick or has an active infection, this information must be shared with the surgeon before the surgery takes place.
One must make sure that all requested reports of laboratory tests like EKG and mammograms and even medical clearances are shared with the surgeon as per his/her request on time.
Fill out all the prescriptions before the surgery. Thoroughly read every instruction provided by the surgeon and ask him/her questions if any clarifications are needed.
Schedule leave from work for a period of 3-4 days if one has a desk job. For those who have a physical job which involves strenuous activities or heavy weight lifting, it is recommended to take leave of at least 2 weeks.
Instructions For The Day Of Gynecomastia Surgery:
If the anaesthesiologist is going to provide general anesthesia for the surgery, then avoid eating anything 8 hours before the surgery and drinking anything 6 hours before the surgery. However, one can brush their teeth, rinse their mouth, and take medications with a sip of water. If local anesthesia is given, avoid eating or drinking for 2 hours before the surgery.
Take a normal bath or shower the night before or the morning of the surgery.
Avoid applying deodorants, moisturizers, lotions on the chest area.
Avoid wearing any jewelry or bringing any valuable items on the day of the surgery.
A period of 6 weeks is recommended before resuming weight training.
Avoid wearing contact lenses or removable dentures before undergoing the surgery.
Wear loose-fitted clothes and comfortable footwear.
Arrive at the surgeon’s clinic around one hour before the scheduled time of the surgery.
Post- Procedure Instructions To Be Followed
Dr. Mrinalini Sharma is known for performing the best Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi. One must follow a set of instructions shared by her to gain a healthy, speedy recovery and to avoid complications. Read on to learn more.
Diet: Patients are advised to drink clear fluids after the surgery while gradually switching to solid foods. The patient must take a healthy diet regularly and the intake of water should also be increased. Alcohol must be completely avoided for 72 hours both before and after the surgery.
Activities: The more rest, the better will be the surgical recovery. In the first twenty-four hours post surgery, it is advised for not doing any activity such as driving or operating the heavy machinery. From the second day onwards, one can take brisk walks that help in quick recovery. Engage in moderate activities but avoid strenuous activities like gym, aerobics, running or swimming. Keep on increasing daily activities day by day, gradually.
Compression Garment: During the recovery period the most highly recommended thing is to wear a compression garment. Wearing this will help reduce swelling and bruising and lead to an excellent aesthetic outcome. Patients are required to use the compression garment for half a year to ensure proper body contouring. The cleanliness and hygiene of the compression garment must be maintained properly to avoid any infection.
Medication: Do not use as-pirin during the full recovery period. These run the risk of interfering with the blood clotting system and raising the risk of problems. However, one can take a daily dose of vitamin E or multivitamin tablets.
Having said that, it is important to follow the instructions provided by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma for safe outcomes. Therefore, any man who feels uncomfortable going shirtless because of a swollen breast appearance, and is trying to get rid of an enlarged chest, but failed to achieve satisfactory results or feels extremely uncomfortable with his chest appearance, is an ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery.
Therefore, one can book a consultation with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic, the best gynecomastia surgery clinic in Delhi. One can also visit the clinic to get the benefits of liposuction, tummy tuck, vaginal tightening, breast reduction, breast lift, blepharoplasty, arm lift, etc..To know more about Male Breast Reduction cost in Delhi, consult the experts today at Aestiva Clinic.