Dental implants Dubai
Dental implants Dubai
Home of the most precise dental implants. There are situations when losing a tooth is inevitable. Although some do not think much of replacing the missing teeth, it can often be vital to your health and your confidence to maintain your mouth’s full functionality and comfort.
Missing teeth can affect the way you look, chew and speak. Leaving an empty space in your mouth after losing a tooth can cause your other teeth to shift and trigger other problems like jawbone deterioration.

Dental Implants Dubai

Dental implants Dubai

Home of the most precise dental implants. There are situations when losing a tooth is inevitable. Although some do not think much of replacing the missing teeth, it can often be vital to your health and your confidence to maintain your mouth’s full functionality and comfort.

Missing teeth can affect the way you look, chew and speak. Leaving empty space in your mouth after losing a tooth can cause your other teeth to shift and trigger other problems like jawbone deterioration.

At King Medical Centre, our implantologists offer dental implants with superior stability to patients who are looking for a long-term solution to missing teeth.

Our implantologists provide the following dental implant solutions

All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants purely means that a full arch of artificial teeth is supported by 4 dental implants only. Typically the back implants in the upper and lower jaw are placed tilted in order to get bone anchorage and avoid anatomical structures. The term All-on-4 also comprises that the inserted implants are immediately (within 24 hours) loaded with a fixed arch of teeth.

Traditionally, more than four implants were placed to support a full arch of artificial teeth! The implants were of course placed straight and parallel in conformity with pre-existent teeth and definitely not angulated on purpose. Also, a healing time of several months was adhered to before these implants were loaded with the arch of artificial teeth!

Benefits of All-on-4 dental implants

A fixed temporary full arch of teeth within a day of the surgery

The safe and long-term solution to missing teeth

Immediate aesthetic and functional dental rehabilitation

Implant rehabilitation within the shortest possible treatment time



Same-Day Dental Implants



Get your smile back in one day.

The term "same-day dental implants" indicates the concept of immediate restoration (within 24 hours) but is mainly used commercially by different institutions.

Immediate loading means that the inserted implant body will immediately get restored (or loaded, as we say) with an implant crown. The implant can either be placed in the bone of an already existing tooth gap or into the fresh extraction site if an extraction was indicated.

When are immediately loaded implants possible?

Theoretically, every implant can be loaded immediately if the implant shows sufficient primarily stability.

In reality, immediate restoration of freshly placed implants is most useful in the aesthetic area which means front teeth (incisors, canines, premolars) – so the patient doesn't show any tooth gaps when smiling which is of particular importance if extractions need to be performed as well.

In case of posterior molar teeth, an immediate restoration does not have superior advantages thus the alternative conservative approach of restoring the implant after a healing period of several weeks is usually performed in posterior areas.


What are the benefits of immediately loaded implants?

The immediate restoration of a tooth (that needs to be extracted) with an implant and implant crown has many benefits. It preserves the existing bone as well as the existing soft tissue around the former tooth (now implant) in the most reliable way showing the most pleasing aesthetic results in the long term.

A tooth extraction especially of the upper front teeth is a psychologically traumatic experience to most patients. Being able to provide an immediate solution for the patient within one session of 2 hours (from extraction to dental restoration) is perceived very positively.


Are there any drawbacks?

The only drawback of immediate restoration of implants might be the fact that the patient is not allowed to eat on it for several weeks until the implant body has properly fused (Osseointegrated) with the surrounding bone. Any kind of tooth contact with the new implant tooth should be avoided prosthetically in order not to jeopardise the healing. That's why we prefer to use a temporary less precious implant crown first that will be replaced with the permanent highly aesthetic one after a healing time of usually 12 weeks.


What is the procedure like?

Obviously, the patient needs to be seen first for a surgical as well as prosthetic consultation where relevant x-rays and impressions need to be taken for the planning of each individual case and where alternative therapies can be discussed.

Already in the second appointment, the surgery (performed under normal local anaesthesia) can take place with immediate placement of the implant crown.

What can patients expect after the surgery?

Interestingly when implants are inserted immediately into extraction sites the healing process seems favourably improved. Nevertheless, a little bit of discomfort or pain from the extraction itself with mild swelling and some things bruising is to be expected.

All patients have been prescribed a medication regimen of antibiotics and painkillers for the post-operative days. Such dental surgeries should be planned according to the patients activity schedule. It is useful to abstain from any physical exercise for 3-5 days but only very few patients, in general, would need days off from work.


How often should patients go for dental check-ups after their surgery?

Approximately one week after surgery a joint surgical/prosthetic follow up visit will be scheduled to ensure uneventful healing.


Approximately 12 weeks later, the patient will be seen again for replacement with a permanent implant crown. Once the implant is restored, the patient should keep their normal 6-monthly check-ups.