
The following is an overview of the most popular Yoga teacher training in India. These days, there are so many options for Yoga teacher certification, that it might be good to get a general idea of Yoga teacher training courses first.
Onsite Yoga Teacher Training classes are usually held at Yoga studios and can last anywhere from one month to two years, depending on the depth of the material covered. These Yoga Teacher Training in Goa sessions may meet every weekend or for weeks in succession.

If you have a regular job, it is best to find a Yoga teacher training course that works around your schedule and meets on weekends or evenings. It will be hard to explain your absence to your present employer; especially if you tell the truth, which is: You want to train to become a Yoga teacher.
Training for Yoga Teachers at a Oceanic Yoga, or Yoga retreat, is usually complete immersion without any of life’s daily distractions. Chances are there are living quarters for Yoga teacher interns and the staff. If you have no family or employer obligations, this is a great way to learn how to become a Yoga teacher. Many Ashrams function like universities, so it is a great atmosphere to study Yoga teacher training.