
Lemon Grass green tea, a blend of lemongrass and green tea with unbounded health benefits to refresh mood, increase metabolic activity, boost immunity, while enriching blood, and many more by nourishing with vitamins, minerals, and soothing with antioxidants, phytochemicals. Buy Lemon Grass tea in sasaaya at a low price.
Lemongrass Green Tea: Best Green Tea for Oral Health
- It is one of the favourite green teas for its finest balanced blend of wood and leaves.
- The woody and citrus fragrance of lemongrass with the fresh green tea leaves blends into a perfect choice of natural herbal drink.
- Lemongrass green tea benefits like a traditional medicine for overall health as it has a good number of antioxidants, amino acids Vitamins A, C & B and some minerals. It lowers cholesterol, prevents infections, boosts RBC, relieves pain.
- Lemongrass green tea can be steeped many times.