Addressing The Noise In Your Head- Meditation Is The Key!
Addressing The Noise In Your Head- Meditation Is The Key!
Growing up meditating is something I’ll be ever grateful for. It has been a constant. It’s almost impossible to truly describe how comforting knowing that is. In these times where there are so much hatred and so much shallowness, isn’t it a blessing if you have something to hold on to; something that is above the mundane and the petty; something that guides, keeping you grounded and balanced.

Through my interactions with friends, colleagues, and relatives, it’s apparent to me that almost everyone is inherently seeking happiness, to make the most of everything in terms of gaining personal satisfaction. Most of us go about achieving this by immersing ourselves in a rat race: slogging away through each phase of life, believing that the eternal bliss we crave will be waiting for us at the top of the ladder. We keep at it for a while, but when the satisfaction of that effort proves to be momentary we turn to our peers to see how they are faring. We emulate those around us who appear to be successful, contented and at peace with life. We fake it.The practice of meditation has proven benefits with regards to physical and mental health,no doubt, but once it becomes a part of the way you live its influences are multifold.