
Assam black tea is one of the most popular and well-known teas in the world. It's grown in the Assam region of India, and has a famously rich flavor. The tea leaves are picked from their stems, rolled into small pellets, and allowed to rest for two-three days before being packed into chests. The leaves are then dried in large ovens at low temperatures for up to 12 hours.
Assam tea is known for its full body and powerful flavor, with a sweet aroma and rich amber color. It is also known for its ability to resist bitterness, which makes it ideal for use in blends with other teas or when making iced tea. This amazing Assam tea now available in USA at Kombucha Kamp online store, at here you can high quality 100% organic Assam tea, organic chai spices, and Kombucha recipes which helps to boost your immune system.
Healh Benefits of Organic Assam Tea are:
1. Rich source of antioxidants
It has more than 40% of the recommended daily value (Daily Value) of antioxidant catechins, which helps to protect your body from oxidative stress and other damage caused by many factors such as pollution and UV rays.
2. Helps you to lose weight
Studies show that drinking 1-2 cups of black tea per day can help reduce body fat and increase your metabolism. It also contains chromium, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which can help prevent and manage type 2 diabetes.
3. Reduce the risk of heart disease
The antioxidants in Assam Tea help reduce inflammation in blood vessels and improve blood circulation, reducing your risk of developing heart disease. Drinking 1-2 cups of black tea per day will also lower cholesterol levels, making it easier for your body to break down fats properly so they aren’t deposited in your arteries or other areas where they shouldn’t be.
4. Improves Skin Health
Oganic Assam tea is a natural source of vitamins A and E; both play an important role in improving skin health. Because this tea leaf is not processed or artificial, the vitamins in it create lasting improvement and do not have the usual side effects artificial supplements tend to have.
5. Improved mental health:
Organic Assam has been shown to increase concentration levels and improve memory retention, which could be helpful for people with ADHD or other learning disabilities as well as those who are struggling with dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Bottom Line:
Overall, Assam tea is a powerful source of various ingredients that help improve cognitive, immune system, helping your body fight regular infections and harmful pollutants. If you want to buy organic Assam tea, check out our range of organic tea variants.
Read more: Types and health benefits of organic loose leaf tea