
Counseling for addiction can take many forms, but there are a few main types that you’re likely to encounter:
Individual therapy: In this form of counseling, you meet one-on-one with a SAP Assessment Near Me to discuss your addiction and related issues. This is one of the most common forms of addiction counseling. Individual therapy can be helpful for exploring the underlying causes of your addiction, working through issues related to substance abuse and other problems, and getting help with setting and achieving goals. Individual therapy also allows you to discuss problems that affect you as an individual, such as family issues, financial concerns, and others.
Group therapy: Some counselors also offer group therapy sessions, in which participants meet with one another as well as the counseling staff. This can be helpful because it allows you to talk with others dealing with similar issues, and gives you an outlet for sharing experiences and feelings. Group therapy can be beneficial because it can help you connect with others who are going through a similar situation and struggling with the same issues. It can also be helpful because it allows you to see that you’re not alone in your struggles (DOT Certified SAP).
Couples therapy: This type of therapy is designed to help couples deal with relationship issues that may stem from one partner’s addiction. It can help you and your partner come up with a plan for addressing the issues that affect your relationship, as well as provide support as you work through them together (DOT Qualified SAP Near Me).
Behavioral therapy: Some counselors also offer behavioral therapy, which can help you come up with lifestyle changes that support recovery from addiction. This can include setting and following a specific treatment plan, learning new skills, and addressing issues that may be holding you back from making progress (FMCSA SAP Near Me).