
From pain relief benefits to health risks, here is all the information related to CBD oil
Nowadays CBD oil is in the headlines, but it is also true that it is also used in some medicines. We found out what are the benefits and risks of CBD oil.
If you watch the news, for the last few days there has been a debate on the news channels regarding cannabis. In such a situation, the question of how safe the CBD oil made from the hemp tree is for you, it is natural to come to your mind.
The cannabis plant has been used in many ways. Products from the cannabis plant are called cannabinoids. One such cannabinoid is CBD oil, which is used worldwide for its medicinal properties.
While THC, itself a cannabinoid, is a well-known psychoactive compound that is capable of raising the human brain. Smoking or eating it completely changes the mood of the person. On the other hand, CBD oil has no such effect. However, CBD oil causes many important changes in the body. These changes are safe and are only from the point of view of treatment.
Hemp growers grow it only for THC. But cannabis is cultivated primarily for CBD oil only.
What are the benefits of CBD oil?
A 2018 study titled 'Cross Sectional Study of Cannabinoid Users' found this oil to relieve joint pain caused by arthritis. Not only this, it is used to treat anxiety, depression, tension, migraine, sleep problems, common headache, post traumatic stress disorder, nogia, asthma, allergies and epileptic seizures.
Not only this, CBD oil is also very beneficial for the problem of seizures, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and even cancer.
1. Used for Pain Relief and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
CBD oil is a great natural pain killer. Compounds from the hemp plant that are not psychoactive, such as CBD oil, are a very effective treatment for any severe pain. It helps in eliminating inflammation in the body. When used on the skin, it can eliminate inflammation and scars.
2. CBD Oil Helps Quit Smoking
Several studies have found that smokers who use CBD oil inhalers smoke fewer cigarettes and quit nicotine addiction. It is believed that cbd oil calms and relaxes the mind, due to which it is helpful in quitting cigarette addiction.
Not only this, even if there is an addiction to opioids, CBD oil is also very beneficial. This substance reduces the symptoms of abuse or addiction and provides relief from anxiety, pain and insomnia.
3. The treatment of epileptic seizures is
The FDA-certified drug Epidiolex, used to treat epilepsy, is made from CBD oil. Along with epilepsy, it is also used in the treatment of Lennox-Gustaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. This natural medicine with no side effects is considered to be many times better than any other synthetic medicine.
4. Used to treat Anxiety
Hemp ie THC can make the condition of anxiety and restlessness worse, so doctors advise patients of anxiety to stay away from cannabis. But CBD oil reduces anxiety. Not only this, it is also very beneficial in PTSD i.e. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
5. Lowers the risk of type 1 diabetes
When cells of the immune system attack the pancreas, this causes inflammation, which leads to type 1 diabetes. CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes.
Although CBD oil also has some risks…
If you take any other medicine or supplement, then CBD oil can react with it. And it is not possible to know how it will react with the medicine.
CBD oil makes mood swings worse. Not only this, it can make liver related problems serious, reduces appetite and can also cause stomach problems. Its use during pregnancy can be dangerous.