
Best Knee Replacement in Jaipur, India
Best Knee Replacement is provided by Dr. Anoop Jhurani and his highly competent team of best knee replacement surgeons in Jaipur. We are one of the most experienced knee replacement centers in Jaipur, India.
Robotic technology allows knee replacement surgeons to be extremely precise when repairing damaged bone surfaces. The procedure is extremely precise and enables a perfect bespoke fit. We can also increase the implant's endurance and longevity because of this. Furthermore, in all sizes, we can place the implants in near-perfect alignment, resulting in a more comfortable knee for the patient.
Total knee replacement surgery allows the surgeon to gather patient information and create a dummy that aids in surgical planning. A robotic system and a combined instrument are utilized in robotic joint replacement surgery to achieve precise surgical outcomes.
Why Is A Total Knee Replacement Necessary?
Patients frequently enquire as to why a knee replacement is necessary. While the answer is obvious (you need one to move around), patients often assume it's a difficult and maybe life-threatening procedure. This is not the case at all.
You can rest easy knowing that most people with arthritis require a knee replacement. Knee replacements are one of the most successful and effective surgical procedures. Dr. Anoop Jhurani has made knee replacement in Jaipur easier. But first, let's look at the elements that influence the decision to have a robotic knee replacement.
What is the most prevalent type of arthritis?
The most common cause of knee pain is arthritis, which is caused by the joint deteriorating.
Arthritis comes in many forms, the most prevalent of which is osteoarthritis. The knee and hip are the most typically affected weight-bearing joints. The utmost cause for knee replacement surgery is osteoarthritis.
It causes the cartilage between the bones of the joint to disintegrate, osteoarthritis is usually referred to as a wear-and-tear disease of the joints. The bones of the joint rub against one other as the healthy cartilage degrades, creating discomfort and disability in the patient.
Osteoarthritis Symptoms Include:
Knee Joint discomfort (when moving or sitting)
Knee Joint stiffness
Decreased range of motion
Knee Joint deformities such as bow legs and knock-knees
How to Get Rid Of Osteoarthritis?
Knee replacement surgery is the technique of choice when conservative treatments for osteoarthritis, such as lifestyle changes, medication, and physical therapy, have failed. Knee arthroplasty is a surgical technique that involves replacing the damaged surfaces of the knee joint to reduce pain and impairment and correct misalignment.
When should a knee replacement be considered?
Severe osteoarthritis of the knees is the most common reason for considering knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement is often shown in patients whose knee joints have been destroyed by trauma or other joint-destructive disorders. Other populations at risk include people with tight knees who find it difficult to engage in activities such as walking.
Rheumatoid arthritis and traumatic arthritis are two further types of arthritis that can be considered. Patients with hemophilia and gout are another population to think about. Replacement solutions, on the other hand, are only explored for individuals who have tried and failed in various pain treatment approaches.
Benefits of Robotic Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Consistency, precision, simplicity, and natural-feeling
It is also safe and scalable.
Replicable and unrivaled results
Blood Loss Is Minimal
After surgery, you should be able to walk/climb steadily and with less muscle strain.
Patients must recover for two to three months after total knee replacement surgery. Patients who have robotic joint replacement surgery often recover in half the time.
Types of Knee Replacement Surgery
Recently, the human world has seen a dramatic transformation in its medical realm, with new techniques and technologies rapidly displacing traditional treatments. Many patients have found that knee replacement surgery has allowed them to live a regular and safe life. Patients express their joy at being able to resume their usual lives following treatment with robotic technology.
Traditional Knee Replacement Surgery
The standard of care for knee replacement surgery is traditional surgery. Manual devices such as alignment rods and rotational guides are used in this procedure. This procedure normally replaces only a portion of the joint, with the major benefit of replacing damaged components with prosthetic implants. The patient experiences a more natural feeling and can resume regular activities after surgery or the replacement of damaged components of the knee joints.
Robotics Knee Replacement
This technique was developed to increase surgical accuracy, and it is now widely utilized to improve alignment and joint line repair. Robotic knee replacement is a computer-assisted procedure that collects an overall picture of your knee. Because of this technique, the surgery's precision improves.
We use CT scan images instead of X-rays in this procedure. Knee Replacement Using Robotics During surgery, the surgeon can collect patient-related data to create a 3D model of the knee to aid in surgical planning. The surgeon uses these photos to design the surgery. This strategy has a lot of advantages. The most advanced robotic technology for knee replacement surgery is a novel alternative to conventional surgical techniques.
These surgeries are commonly done with the help of bone-cutting guides, but today's most advanced robotic technology for knee replacement surgery is a novel alternative to conventional surgical techniques. Robotic technology is best known for reducing blood loss, improving knee function, and speeding up recuperation. The amount of blood lost is negligible, and the victim is back on his feet in a few days.